Welcome to 30 Days of Must Read Authors! Every day throughout June one of our VIPers (Jenn, Susan Or Melanie) with occasional comments from the others will present one of their favorite authors and the series or series' they recommend! Hopefully you will find some new books and new authors to love!
Day 7 - Laurell K Hamilton - From Melanie
Author name: Laurell K Hamilton
Genre(s) they write: Urban Fantasy / Vampire Horror
How I found the author: This was another library find. I think it was about book 16 ... and I was like well DAMN that will keep me busy for a while. Other than having "Vampire Hunter" in the title (which I was dubious about the general premise looked great so I went hunting for book 1.
Why people should read: This series is definitely not going to be for everyone but this has become the fiction world that is probably my favorite to visit, and you know coming from me that is a big deal. They are very dark, twisted, and hey if nothing else you can read to see one of the VERY FEW shifters that is on my favorite character list. He is my shifter exception... yes you can all faint now. Moving on ....
Recommended Series - Anita Blake Vampire Hunter I'll be honest - when I started reading these I really didn't think it would end up being a series for me. I kept seeing things online about how dark they were, how much sexual content was involved, and honestly I read the first 3 and was like hmmmmm stuffed penguins and an interesting necromancer understory with vampires but it was nothing major. I actually set the series aside for a couple of years but then I started seeing a LOT of complaints about how the series had changed so much - embraced so much darkness etc etc and THAT was what convinced me to start again. The whole series shifts when it gets to about book 10 and from then I have never looked back. Bring on the darkness, the metaphysical lores, and all the smut and story that goes with it!
Conclusion: This is never going to be a series for everybody but we are hitting book 30 this year and I hope this ride just continues. As a side note Laurell K Hamilton does write 2 other series - The Merry Gentry Books (which personally I can't stand), and her new series featuring Zaniel Havelock (A Terrible Fall of Angels) which only has one book out at the moment but has potential, but I don't think anything will replace Anita and her band of supernaturals!
Susan Says:
Where to start with LKH! I picked up the first three books in a train station in Dublin coming home from a concert, having finished my current read. I decided to give Guilty Pleasures a shot. I inhaled the book, and went to the bookstore the next day to get as many of the series as I could. I enjoyed the Marshall aspect of the Anita storyline, the necromancy, and the fascinating blend of vampires and shifters all in one series. I also enjoy that Anita seems very much the "Guy" in the books, more comfortable to leave her lovers wear the heels than wear them herself! 30 books in and I'm still excited for the next book, the next shift in storyline, and I don't think that will ever go away.
And any series that forces Mel to read about shifters is always a plus!!!
Melanie - I will just ignore this other than to say Shifters are food lmao (If you read the series you will know what this means)
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