Welcome to 30 Days of Must Read Authors! Every day throughout June one of our VIPers (Jenn, Susan Or Melanie) with occasional comments from the others has presented one of their favorite authors and the series or series' they recommend! Here are a few honorable mentions that didn't quite make the cut!
Honorable Mentions
Jennifer - Lora Leigh, paranormal romance author and creator of the Breed series. If you checked out Laurann Dohner and enjoyed her new species series then you’ll absolutely love these as well.
Melanie - Neil Gaiman, Fantasy / Science fiction writer who honestly can be a little hit or miss for me. When he hits he hits big and his imagination is incredible. Plus he will forever win points for bringing David Tennant and Michael Sheen together - the duo the world didn't know it needed until we had it. The TV Adaptations of Sandman and Good Omens are fabulous!
Jennifer - Cherise Sinclair - bdsm romance. Don’t think about Fifty Shades when you read these because they’re nothing alike. Sinclair actually knows what she’s doing. These Masters of the Shadowlands and their heroines are absolute fire.
Melanie - Molly Harper Paranormal Romance. I really loved the first few "Nice Girls" books but then they sort of dropped off for me. But I do think some of the Musers will enjoy them
Jennifer - Sylvian Reynard romance author is a newer one that I’ve found thanks to her Gabriel’s inferno novels which just happen to be movies on passion flix as well, and that’s also how I happened to find her. Gabriel and Julianne are definitely not to be missed, my advice though is read the books first and then go checkout the movies.
Melanie - Jim Butcher Urban Fantasy - I have read Jim on and off for years. The Dresden series is definitely my favorite but sometimes the short stories end up hitting home better than the longer books which is why he has kinda dropped off my radar a bit. Still if you are looking for something a bit different I would say to check it out. (There was a 1 season tv series which tried to bring it to life - but it wasn't the best adaptation. The series is good if you don't know the books lol.
And there you have it! Our 30 days of Authors! We hope you found some new ones!
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