Welcome to 30 Days of Must Read Authors! Every day throughout June one of our VIPers (Jenn, Susan Or Melanie) with occasional comments from the others will present one of their favorite authors and the series or series' they recommend! Hopefully you will find some new books and new authors to love!
Day 3 - JR Ward - From Susan
Author name: JR Ward
Genre(s) they write: Paranormal Romance and badassery
How I found the author: I picked up the first I think in a bookshop and immediately went and bought the rest of the series that was out!
Why people should read: Because from the moment we first meet the brothers, you get sucked into this insane, funny, badass series of novels and spin off's that keep on flipping the script and just when you wonder how the hell the Warden is gonna get herself out of the emotional mess she has brought you into, she throws you a curveball that makes you want the next book right that second!
Recommended Series 1. Where to start with the BDB...Okay, let's start with Wrath from Dark Lover, and his brotherhood of imperfect characters. I think that's what drew me to the BDB, none of them were these perfect vampires. Each of them came with their own baggage, ALOT of baggage. But as the books go on, and they start to be introduced to their mates, we got to see the kind of warriors they could become.
The Warden knows how to deliver some gut-wrenching stories, and I like that the stories and paths the brothers go on, are never straight forward. It's also the plot of the flawed hero's, battling even more flawed villains...and the partners of the brothers are all kick ass too...I loved the unique lore of the vampires, too...
Conclusion: Now, I won't talk about all the spin off's, cause there are a few and if I mention them, it would give ya a ton of spoilers, but there is a reason why JR ward is one of my fave authors and takes up two shelfs on my bookcase.
Melanie Says:
I read the Black Dagger Brotherhood series for a while. And by a while I mean like through to book 12 (mainly because I was waiting for Quinn's book which was book 11 but I only read 1 more after that. I just got bored with them. I wasn't a huge fan of the rules that they had, and let me say, to this day, I cannot smell baby powder without thinking about something in this series.
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