Welcome to 30 Days of Must Read Authors! Every day throughout June one of our VIPers (Jenn, Susan Or Melanie) with occasional comments from the others will present one of their favorite authors and the series or series' they recommend! Hopefully you will find some new books and new authors to love!
Day 27 - Stephanie Meyer - From Jenn
Conclusion: - Again I’m sure we’ve all read these books or at least have seen these movies. I’ve had a love hate relationship with this series, but lately it tends to be more on the love side. This also has a retelling where the story is flipped and Bella is a Cullen and Edward is the human, interesting right. I do love me a retelling.
Melanie Says - I remember reading the books back in the day because Emily wanted to read them and some parents thought their children were too young - I deemed Emily (obviously) to be fine. I am not a huge Meyer fan for the most part but I have to give it to her that her world building skills are amazing. This is another series where I lean in favor of the movies EXCEPT Midnight Sun. This was Twilight told from Edward's Point of View and I don't know if she was just at the point in her career where she has better editors around her OR the first time round they wanted to skew the books much lighter, but Midnight Sun is fabulous! (This was my video with my thoughts about it - the first part is spoiler free and the big SPOILER WARNING will appear when you need to turn it off if you haven't read it).
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