Welcome to 30 Days of Must Read Authors! Every day throughout June one of our VIPers (Jenn, Susan Or Melanie) with occasional comments from the others will present one of their favorite authors and the series or series' they recommend! Hopefully you will find some new books and new authors to love!
Day 22 - JD Robb - From Melanie
Author name: JD Robb
Genre(s) they write: Science Fiction / Mystery
How I found the author: I actually picked up Ceremony in Death (which is about book 5 in the series) in a thrift shop because it looked interesting and I didn't realize it was part of a series. You can actually read the early ones as standalones for the most part in any order but they are definitely better read in order because of the backstory that follows through.
Why people should read: If you are looking for a futuristic mystery series this is for you. Although it's in the future it's not like Star Trek future where everything has changed - it has changed just enough to be futuristic but the tech etc is still very relatable even if you aren't a sci fi fan.
Recommended Series: The In Death Series
I think this is the only series that the author writes as JD Robb. It is actually a pen name for Nora Roberts (who as an interesting side note I cannot stand her books at all - I am really surprised they are the same person). There are a ton of books in this series, so many so that I am not even up to date as it isn't one that the publishers send me (I know I know - bad Melanie). I have read the first 45 or so (It is up to 58 with pre-orders) and for the most part they are 5 star reads. There are some where the story definitely has more sexual storylines involved, versus the ones that are really about the mystery (which I personally prefer), and there have been a couple of bad installments along the way (one where you got the killer's side as well in certain chapters, and one where we as the readers knew the killer from the beginning), and these are obviously "fresh ideas" either from JD Robb or from her publishing house that didn't work out. Luckily after each one she goes back to the style that DOES work. If you like a good crime story and don't mind some romance (and a bit of future tech and gore) you should check these out.
Conclusion: There are SO many I highly recommend the library. That's where I get mine from (when I get them). Other than a signed copy of book 1 I don't actually own any of them. They are not a reread series (if that makes sense) - more a read one and move on to the next.
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