Welcome to 30 Days of Must Read Authors! Every day throughout June one of our VIPers (Jenn, Susan Or Melanie) with occasional comments from the others will present one of their favorite authors and the series or series' they recommend! Hopefully you will find some new books and new authors to love!
Day 18 - Patricia Briggs - From Susan
Author name: Patricia Briggs
Genre(s) they write: Urban Fantasy
How I found the author: I saw the books in a store and picked the first few up.
Why people should read: Always full of action, suspense and a little disaster ( Mercy is a coyote shifter!)
Recommended Series 1. Mercy Thompson
I love the Mercy Thompson world because all Mercy wants to do is stay of out of werewolf politics, fix the cars at the garage she works at and stay under the radar. But that doesn't work when being a coyote means trouble always comes knowing on your trailer! And when you have an annoying protective, newly divorced, alpha werewolf who won't leave you alone...and not to forget to mention my fave foul-mouth, British werewolf Ben, who works in IT, and hates almost everyone...LOL
Recommended Series 2. Alpha and Omega
As much as I love Mercy, my fave of Briggs series is the Alpha and Omega. Charles Cornick is werewolf boogeyman, sent to scare any who might decide to go against the rules. He is standoffish, and rarely smiles, and when he does, it usually means someone gonna die. But when he rescues an Omega wolf, who is the epitome of calm for a wolf, and his mate, who has been hurt in so many ways, they work together to get through their differences....
Conclusion: You have to start the world with Mercy's story and then after a few books, you can swap between them...a lot of characters show up in both series, and to get a glimpse at all the characters before they show up in Alpha and Omega, but I never get tired of reading either Mercy's story, or Anna and Charles story. I just wish we didn't have to wait so long between books!
Melanie Says:
Hmmmm She has floated around my recommendations list a lot but she is sooooo full of shifters I just don't think I can do it lol
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