Welcome to 30 Days of Must Read Authors! Every day throughout June one of our VIPers (Jenn, Susan Or Melanie) with occasional comments from the others will present one of their favorite authors and the series or series' they recommend! Hopefully you will find some new books and new authors to love!
Day 14 - Christine Feehan - From Jennifer
Author name: Christine Feehan
Genre(s) they write: Paranormal Romance / Contemporary Romance
How I found the author: She was a random find during my freshman year of high school, she’s also the reason that I started to love reading in the first place.
Why people should read: I think people who love paranormal romance would love her Dark series and her Ghost Walker series, also she has the Drake sisters as well for a lighter romance take, so a bit for any romance book lover out there.
Recommended Series 1. :The Dark Series-These books take a different turn on vampire lore with the Carpathians, an older race that after centuries of not finding there life mate or other half can loose the ability of feeling emotions and even the ability of seeing in color. They could also turn vampire, which no Carpathian male wants.
Recommended Series 2. The Ghost Walker series- This take on paranormal romance leaves us with genetically altered military men, and genetically altered woman that were orphans and taken as children. They were both experimented on so they could fight better, and basically be indestructible. What happens when these men and women meet, well let’s just say that sparks fly, literally
Conclusion: I recommend these two series to anyone that loves paranormal romance, if paranormal is not for you then definitely check out the Drake sisters. Honestly you can’t go wrong with any of Feehan's books. Oh and shifters are right up your ally then she has a series for that as well, not wolves like normal but basically leopards
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