Remakes were always a thing, even going back to the early days of movies. They’d remake a silent movie when talkies came out, etc. But the further we go, the more they remake. In todays world DVDs, Blu Rays, and five billion streaming channels, we feel there is less and less need for them. Most of them are pretty easy to find if you are interested in watching them. But Hollywood insists on rebranding and making a new version, trying to improve upon the original. “Psycho”? You can’t improve it. You can’t change it. You made the same movie again. Why? They are useless. Occasionally they get it right. Not all of these are winners though. Its a mixed bag. Some good, some bad, some just out of the box. Day 28- The Craft (1996) / The Craft: Legacy (2021) - Melanie The original version is a cult classic. I don't think anyone would argue that point, and even today it remains one of my favorite witchcraft based movies. When I heard they were going to "remake" it I have to say I was not a fan, That being said - the new really isn't bad. Whilst I am sure that it will never achieve the same cult status as its predecessor, this one is still worth a watch. This new version definitely feels like it skews younger than the original. Despite the girls being the same age, the new incarnation has a much younger feel, and is probably more how teenagers who just discovered they had powers would act. I do give the movie huge kudos for embracing a progressive cast, without making it feel like politics are being thrown at you. They have a trans actress as one of the four stars, and honestly she is amazing. There are only a couple of references to her being trans in the movie, and it is so subtle that Greg actually hit google to see if it was true. Where this movie could have become preachy, it actually feels more about women supporting women (well I guess girls supporting girls but you get the idea). There are some nice nods, and a tie in to the original that is shown in the trailers, (don't get hung up on this though - it's SUCH a small part of the tale - which is a little disappointing and I was really holding out for a sequel that apparently isn't coming). This is a modern take which actually uses the correct magical terms (despite them always shifting the corners). The original though - has to have the win! Dave Says - Wow. They made a movie about witches and didn't call it “Charmed”! Go figure! Oh yeah, because Charmed didn't exist yet. It could be considered the darker side of the Halliwells. Or if they went bad. Which, technically I think they all did at one time or another. Have you seen it? What did you think? Original, Remake, or Neither? Be sure to let us know in the comments below!
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