We love movie lists - so please welcome guest writer Jennifer Bollnow as she takes us through her picks for 31 days of Christmas movies. A new movie feature each day! An Intro from Jennifer - Every year there are more and more Christmas movies released. This year we have over 150 and more are announced each week. I have selected 31 of this year's new releases that I am excited for this year. There are a wide variety of movies that have something for everyone. So warm up the cocoa, get under a cozy blanket, grab a Christmas Cookie, and enjoy! Merry Christmas Day 27 - Yes Chef! Christmas (2023)Jennifer Says - Culinary School Instructor, Alicia has put her career and personal goals on the back burner. She is invited to compete in the Kringle Cook-Off. She paired with a mentor, Logan for the competition whom she doesn’t get along with. Alicia is played by Tia Mowry from Sister Sister, Twitches movies, and Family Reunion. Logan is portrayed by Luke Humphrey from Chateau Laurier, See and I was Lorena Bobbitt. Alicia’s Former Boss, Bobby is played by a real chef, Buddy Valastro from Kitchen Boss, Cake Boss, and Buddy vs. Christmas. This movie made the list because I love Tia Mowry Christmas Movies. Streaming Availability - Available to watch with any streaming/cable package that includes Lifetime. Have you seen it? What did you think? Will you be watching it?
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