Welcome to February's 28 Days Of Sequels! Every day throughout February one of our VIPers (Dave, Jenn, Or Melanie) with occasional comments from the others will present a movie sequel complete with a trailer! The big difference with this list is they aren't all winners that we loved. Some were disappointments and some just trainwrecks. Hollywood is short on original ideas so when one hits big, they milk it for all its worth and squeeze it dry. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Day 5 - Fright Night 2 (1988) (Mel)Oh I love the Fright Night movies! This is the sequel to the original 1988 movie (NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH FRIGHT NIGHT 2 - NEW BLOOD). It picks up after the end of the first movie with Charlie in college, trying to come to terms with what happened, and basically sitting in denial. It's cheesy, as was the original, but there is something about it that I really love. Julie Carmen stars and there is something quite mesmerizing about her (side note I also loved her in The Mouth Of Madness), so much so that as well as the trailer I have put the video for the main "dance" scene. Hmmmmm I loved the original dance scene from the first movie too - well not really a surprise - we all know I love a good (or even not so good) musical number! Dave Says - Its been ages since I seen this. I know I have a copy laying around here somewhere. I may have to dig it out again. Have you seen it? What did you think? Sadly streaming it doesn't seem to be an option anywhere so if you want to get your hands on it check 2nd hand stores or places like eBay as the only options.
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