Welcome to February's 28 Days Of Sequels! Every day throughout February one of our VIPers (Dave, Jenn, Or Melanie) with occasional comments from the others will present a movie sequel complete with a trailer! The big difference with this list is they aren't all winners that we loved. Some were disappointments and some just trainwrecks. Hollywood is short on original ideas so when one hits big, they milk it for all its worth and squeeze it dry. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Day 24 - Police Academy 2 (Dave)The "Police Academy" franchise is an odd one. Sure, it went downhill eventually but they took a movie with a hard R rating that was a success and started to downgrade it to PG 13, then down to PG. Same slapstick comedy and humor but toned down sexuality and innuendos for a wider audience. It worked for a bit but then got old. Jenn Says - "Police Academy" is one of those movies you’re not really sure you’ll like until you actually see it. I mean what can they really do with a movie about a police academy, but yet when I saw it I was surprised. So when I found out that there would be another I was all in. Was it as good as the first? Well in my honest opinion no, and neither where the ones that followed. Did I enjoy them? Yes, and are they worth a watch but none will ever come close to the first one. Melanie Says - Personally, I am in the camp of watch the first and forget the rest. Having read what Dave said about the ratings it totally makes sense. They took something that was unique and original, toned it down and repeated the lame jokes ad infinitum and it just lost all appeal. Sad - but true. Have you seen it? What did you think? Stream It Or Skip It? Be sure to let us know in the comments below! Available to rent wherever you stream movies - Amazon link provided here. All Links To Buy / Subscribe to Amazon Programs On Amazon in this article are Amazon Affiliate Links(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases which in turns helps support all the Muser giveaways we do!)
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