Welcome to February's 28 Days Of Sequels! Every day throughout February one of our VIPers (Dave, Jenn, Or Melanie) with occasional comments from the others will present a movie sequel complete with a trailer!
The big difference with this list is they aren't all winners that we loved. Some were disappointments and some just trainwrecks. Hollywood is short on original ideas so when one hits big, they milk it for all its worth and squeeze it dry. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Day 18 - Dracula 2 Ascension (Mel)
Followers of the page probably won't be too surprised that I couldn't let e sequel list go through without adding this one. Dracula 2000 (the first movie) featured Gerard Butler as Dracula and although many wouldn't recognize him in the role - he was fabulous. A few years after the Dracula 2000 came the sequel Dracula II Ascension. By this time Gerard Butler was on to bigger and better things, and whilst the Dracula character doesn't really work for me overall (he kinda reminds me of a generic Spike - just really bad decisions all round), this is possibly one of my favorite stories! Without spoilers - this is modern day Dracula type story that I can get behind! (And there is a third but we will all just pretend that 3rd abomination doesn't exist).
Dave Says - I think this needs a rewatch. Don't remember much about it.
Have you seen it? What did you think?
Stream It Or Skip It? Be sure to let us know in the comments below!
Available to rent wherever you stream - or grab the trilogy for under $10 (I mean the 3rd one might make a good frisbee lol)
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