Melanie's Muses
Dave - Dave Christy loves horror, music, documentaries and more. He is also the co-runner of several fan based groups including Morningstars (THE Lucifer fan group also run by Melanie), and now is a member of the VIPers Spotlight Lounge team for Melanie's Muses. Other than "In The Spotlight" Features -check out his "31 Days Of Halloween Movies"In a zombie apocalypse, its survival of fittest. Literally. You don’t have to outrun everyone. Just outrun the person behind you. Columbus wasn’t kidding when he added cardio to the list. But before we jump ship into a different movie entirely, lets get back on track to “Resident Evil”. That’s what this was supposed to be about. Sometimes my train of thought leaves the tracks completely. After making a boatload of video games, this franchise got infected with the t-virus allowing it to spread and mutate into theaters led by the star Milla Jovovich. Follow Alice down the rabbit hole as she fights off zombies, demon dogs from hell and all kinds of other nasties in Raccoon City and other places as she travels to take down the chain of command culminating with The Umbrella Corporation. Alice has some help along the way but in these types of movies, they don’t always live to the end. Sometimes the star doesn’t even make it that far. Admittedly, I’m not a big zombie fan. I like a few movies but it really needs to grab my attention. I will never say “I have to see this! It has zombies!!!!” You need to lure me in with something else. And this did just that. Alice has led us through 6 movies before the reigns got handed over to Claire for the “Welcome to Raccoon City” reboot. Now this is a different story. We already met Claire in the other series (live action AND animated) but I guess this serves as a backstory for her and her brother. Yes, there were also a few animated features which proves that once it starts to mutate, there is no stopping it. The next step of the infection to spread will be in the form of a Netflix series in July. This takes place at a later date and doesn’t seem to include Alice or Claire. So we will be following new people. Most of the movies were very good. A couple failed to connect and had me praying to get bitten just so I wouldn’t have to sit through anymore (I’m look at you, “Extiction”). Even the reboot was better than that one— and thats saying something. But the subsequent movies after that 3rd installment made up for the flaws and things improved allowing the ship right its course to finish the story. This new series comes 20 years after the first feature film. We’ll see how it looks and if it can live up the precedents set by the games and other movies. After this long, we have to decide if we are going to break new ground or burn it all down to rebuild. You know fire is one thing we can use against zombies, right? Melanie - I have to say I LOVED the video games back in the day lol ........ Also the pineapple word for this article is Zombie Trailers for the original game - the first movie - and the upcoming series! (Super short apparently)
And Now For The GiveawayMelanie's Muses will be giving away an "Resident Evil" Prize Pack featuring the 4 movie collection, and a Horror wrist band from Jennifer, and a Paperback of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, a Warm Bodies Card, and random stickers from the Melanie's Muses Prize Hoard For your chance to win- FILL OUT THE FORM and tell us: What is your favorite Zombie Movie? (As a Bonus Dave and Melanie would like to know if you were turned do you have a TBE (To Be Eaten) List? )
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