Melanie's Muses
Blurb About The Book Jacqueline Finch and her mystical, magical bookshop is back in this third entry of the bestselling Three Tomes Bookshop series! Spring is in full swing in lakefront Button Cove, and Jacqueline is embracing her new life—her friends, her new home, the crones down the street, and especially the detective with a hot-Viking vibe. It’s not half bad, considering the fact that she has the bickering literary characters of Mrs. Hudson (Sherlock’s landlady) and the dour, creepy housekeeper Mrs. Danvers from Rebecca “helping” her to run the bookshop, and her nemesis Egala Stone is opening her own store down the block. And then there’s the handsome new undertaker—er, mortician—who’s taken over the town funeral parlor and who has all the women ga-ga over him—including Jacqueline’s friends. Things get a little weird when Detective Massermey’s daughter seeks out help from Jacqueline, but surely she can handle that…right? But when an old book falls off the shelf, signaling the arrival of yet another literary character Jacqueline has to deal with, and strange accidents and thefts begin to happen in Button Cove, Jacqueline once again finds herself in a big, fat mess. Now For The Review Standalone or series? Book 3 in the series - and yes you really do need to read the other two before this one in my opinion to understand what's going on. How did I get this book? I've reviewed a lot for Colleen in the past so she very kindly offered me a copy. Why did I choose to read this book: I'm a big fan of Collen's work and this series in particular. Genre Paranormal Women's Fiction. And Now To The Review! First Impressions: These books are set in a magical bookstore, wherein WE know it's magical, there are literal fictional characters that have come out of books that work there, and it was fun to see that "Dracula" had fallen off the shelves in this case so I knew vampires were on the horizon. General Review This book started off in the generally good category but by the middle and end had moved up to OMG this author is a genius level. (Which as you know from me is extremely high priase). If you watched the TV show Supernatural, there is an episode called the French Mistake which is generally accepted as one of the more meta episodes out there. For me this book is like that, BUT FOR BOOK FANS! There are always a good number of other literary mentions in this series, I mean it is set in a book store after all, but this time Colleen has gone above and beyond and it's so out the box, BUT I can't tell you what without giving it away. Final Thoughts Literally a genius idea! I did solve "who is the vampire" part pretty early on, but all the meta stuff more than made up for that. If you like PWF, especially if you have read the other two, this is by far the strongest of the series. Rating: 5 Stars! As always let me know what you think in the comments! Pineapple Code word for this article is Dracula ** Disclosure** Any Links To Buy On Amazon Is My Amazon Affiliate Link.(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases - Which helps provide for the giveaways!) Jenn - Jennifer Rhodes met Melanie back when True Blood was popular and they have been friends ever since. She loves TV (especially things that make you smile), Doctor Who, Finding new shows, and regularly provides awesome fandom items for Muser Giveaways. Jennifer is now a proud member of the VIPers - the Melanie's Muses Spotlight Feature Team!Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you could just take a pill and suddenly everything opened up to you, like you are literally the smartest person? Well this older movie, that was also eventually a series (though it didn’t last long), explored that. Limitless is just one of those movies that just makes you think, although there fast moving close up shots that kind of make you feel like throwing up that I could have done without. Eddie is given a pill by his ex brother in law that does exactly just that for twenty four hours, like he’s literally invincible. I mean who wouldn't want that? As the movie goes on we find out just actually how dangerous these pills are, not only do other want them and are willing to kill for them but come to find out once you take these you can’t stop, or you start to get sick and die, backup did I just say you die, yep so is it worth it now? Well whatever you think take the pill or don’t I definitely suggest you check out this older underrated movie! Melanie -I really liked the movie, but I have to say I had a soft spot for the 1 season wonder TV show too - even if they did really push the Bradley Cooper aspect and he was barely in it. I definitely like a nice Sci Fi story - and if you can throw a ton of action in even better. I have to say a bit like the Matrix Red Pill / Blue Pill, I remember a LOT Of talk when this came out about whether or not people would do it. For the record I wouldn't hesitate! Check out the trailers for both the movie and the tv series, then scroll down and enter this week's giveaway! The Pineapple Word For This Article Is Limitless
And now for the GiveawayMelanie's Muses will be giving away a Limitless DVD (the movie) from Jenn, and paperback copy of "Astounding" A Sci Fi Anthology book from the Melanie's Muses Prize Hoard. For your chance to win- FILL OUT THE FORM and tell us: Would you take the pill? Comments about the article are encouraged - but for now only qualifying entries on the form will go in the hat! What your answer is will not influence whether you go into the hat - Only that you answer the question!
Winner will be announced during the Live show on February 5th and then posted here on the blog as well on February 6th if the winner isn't at the live.) Full Rules Below! Good luck everyone! Rules Only comments posted on THE FORM will be considered. This is open internationally. If you win and you cannot accept mail due to Covid issues we will hold the prize until such time as you can. Some exceptions may apply based on Post Office Regulations. Melanie's Muses takes no responsibility for rules beyond her control. Void Where Prohibited. Sharing is always appreciated but is not required for entry. Winner Will Be Picked At Random. One Entry Per Person / Household Prize is provided via Melanie's Muses and will be mailed by her. Winner will be announced during the live on Sunday February 5th posted on this post on Monday February 6th. Winner will have 48 hours to claim by messaging their address to - Or prize is considered forfeit. Failure to claim will result in a no future giveaway entry being counted for 30 days. We want people to claim their prizes! Don't get on the list! Any questions please contact Melanie on the Facebook page ***Disclaimer - Any Links To Buy and/or Subscribe to Amazon Programs On Amazon on this website are Amazon Affiliate Links Melanie's Muses is part of the Amazon Associate program and earns from qualifying purchases which in turns helps support all the Muser giveaways we do!*** Jenn - Jennifer Rhodes met Melanie back when True Blood was popular and they have been friends ever since. She loves TV (especially things that make you smile), Doctor Who, Finding new shows, and regularly provides awesome fandom items for Muser Giveaways. Jennifer is now a proud member of the VIPers - the Melanie's Muses Spotlight Feature Team!WHY WHY WHY???? It’s exactly what I’m saying after I watched the new show "Velma". Honestly it’s utterly complete crap. I wouldn’t waste your time. Not only does it trash all the characters that I’ve grown up with and come to love and no, I don’t mean the color. I couldn’t care less about that. What I mean is these writers have completely changed their personality to the point where I honestly could hardly recognize them. For example, I’m sorry but Daphne isn’t a lesbian and Fred is not that dumb. I can see why it’s getting a lot of hate. Sorry I was so mad just had to get everything out I guess and to also warn people don’t bother. Just go watch the original cartoon if you’re in the Scooby mood, oh and also no Scooby like really but it’s whatever because I will have to take a hard pass on this show. Melanie -It makes a change for it not to be me having a moan. I am a little disappointed though because I do love Mindy Kaling - but this is going to be a pass from me too.
Jenn - Jennifer Rhodes met Melanie back when True Blood was popular and they have been friends ever since. She loves TV (especially things that make you smile), Doctor Who, Finding new shows, and regularly provides awesome fandom items for Muser Giveaways. Jennifer is now a proud member of the VIPers - the Melanie's Muses Spotlight Feature Team!This movie is one that makes me think that the saying "never judge a book by its cover" or in this case, a movie, is true. "Joe's Apartment" is one that you just need to watch with an open mind, but trust me once you do, you’ll love it. Though at the beginning, you might think why the hell am I watching this. It’s one that just sits with you though you may have not watched it in awhile. This movie about a down on his luck guy with no place to go just might think it’s his lucky day when he randomly gets a apartment from a lady that just passed. However once he sees the apartment he may think twice. It’s nasty and to top it off it’s filled with cockroaches. If that doesn't gross you out and you wait and actually watch it, you’ll see these are no ordinary pests. What do I mean by that? Well this movie is a underrated gem that many have may not seen or even heard of, so if you want to find out what I mean by that then definitely take a chance on this one of a kind movie. Pineapple Code Word For This Article Is Roach And Now For The Giveaway!Melanie's Muses will be giving away a Joe's Apartment DVD from Jenn, and a Fan Expo Lanyard Holder. Fidget Popper, squishy toys, Clover slatted sunglasses, and a blue bag to hold it in all from the Melanie's Muses Prize Hoard. For your chance to win- FILL OUT THE FORM and tell us: Have you see Joe's Apartment? If so would you talk to the roaches lol Comments about the article are encouraged - but for now only qualifying entries on the form will go in the hat! What your answer is will not influence whether you go into the hat - Only that you answer the question!
Winner will be announced during the Live show on January 29th and then posted here on the blog as well on January 30th if the winner isn't at the live.) Full Rules Below! Good luck everyone! Rules Only comments posted on THE FORM will be considered. This is open internationally. If you win and you cannot accept mail due to Covid issues we will hold the prize until such time as you can. Some exceptions may apply based on Post Office Regulations. Melanie's Muses takes no responsibility for rules beyond her control. Void Where Prohibited. Sharing is always appreciated but is not required for entry. Winner Will Be Picked At Random. One Entry Per Person / Household Prize is provided via Melanie's Muses and will be mailed by her. Winner will be announced during the live on Sunday January 29th posted on this post on Monday January 30th. Winner will have 48 hours to claim by messaging their address to - Or prize is considered forfeit. Failure to claim will result in a no future giveaway entry being counted for 30 days. We want people to claim their prizes! Don't get on the list! Any questions please contact Melanie on the Facebook page ***Disclaimer - Any Links To Buy and/or Subscribe to Amazon Programs On Amazon on this website are Amazon Affiliate Links Melanie's Muses is part of the Amazon Associate program and earns from qualifying purchases which in turns helps support all the Muser giveaways we do!***
Who want's to win a signed copy of The Forgettable Miss French by Kristen Painter?
Well there are two ways you can enter - and you get ONE entry for each one that you do! You DO NOT HAVE TO DO THEM BOTH! (But if you do you will get 2 entries). Want to see if this is a good book for you? You can check out my review on Amazon HERE! ALL ENTRIES MUST BE EMAILED TO [email protected] Simply Leave a review for The Forgettable Miss French On Amazon or Bookbub (OR BOTH). If you have already reviewed it JUST EMAIL THE LINK! . Leave a review on Amazon - Or Bookbub - (If you don't have a Bookbub account you can create one for FREE - and there are no minimum review requirements). Once your review is posted EMAIL THE LINK FOR YOUR REVIEW(s) (AGAIN - If you have already reviewed just send the link) Winner will be announced during my live on February 5th (and then posted here on the blog as well on February 6th if the winner isn't at the live.) Full Rules Below! Pineapple Code Word For This Article Is Seamonster Good luck everyone! Rules
** Disclosure** Any Links To Buy On Amazon Is My Amazon Affiliate Link.(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases - Which helps provide for the giveaways!
Check out my review for Monster In The Mirror (Shadowvale Book 6) by Kristen Painter - PLUS if you haven't started the series yet you can get book 1 for free for a limited time!
Blurb About The Book
Shadowvale isn’t your typical small town America. The sun never shines, the gates decide who enters, magic abounds, and every resident bears some kind of curse. For Isadora Graham, Shadowvale seems like a dream come true. A safe haven where she can hide from the darkness that lives within her, and hopefully, keep everyone else from finding out about it too. She needs this kind of place where she’ll be left alone. Where no one will realize who she really is. Dr. Henry Jekyll, or rather a monstrous part of him, makes Shadowvale a more dangerous place for everyone, no matter how hard he tries to stop that side of himself from emerging. He’s doing everything in his power to control it, but control is hard, and solutions don’t come easy. Fortunately, the town understands he needs to be left alone. Until somehow things go wrong, and he gets a neighbor. Izzy is incredibly nice and for her own safety, Henry knows he has to tell her what everyone else already knows. That he’s a monster. But he only ends up shocking her and turning her against him. Then another disturbing encounter makes her understand he was telling the truth, and that they are so very much alike. When they join forces, their collaboration feels like a match made in heaven. Except for the part where the town is being targeted. And Izzy seems like the one causing all the trouble. Can Henry battle his own demons in time to save Izzy? Or will the monster in the mirror be the ruin of them both? Only time, and love, will tell. Now For The Review Standalone or series? Book 6 in a series (but like most of the Shadowvale series you could jump in here - not quite as seamlessly as with book 5 though.) How did I get this book? I am lucky enough to Kristen's alpha reader. Why did I choose to read this book: Because I will literally read anything with Kristen's name attached! Genre Urban Fantasy (light) And Now To The Review! First Impressions: I do love a Jekyll and Hyde reimagining and that is what you get here - with emphasis on the "Reimagining" General Review As always I was impressed at the unique direction Kristen seems to take things in, and this was no different. I think of all the books that I have read by her, this one shocked me the most. As I don't believe in spoilers in my reviews all I will say is that if ANYONE predicts the outcome to this story - then kudos to you because I was totally blindsided! Final Thoughts I am very curious to hear what other people think about this story. It, for me, hit very differently to most of Kristen's other stories, but I think that is probably a me projecting my issues rather than an actual story flaw. Regular readers of my reviews will know that I do have some strange ideas about things. Rating: 5 Stars! I have a rule that authors should be able to tell the story that they want and although personally I would have preferred a couple of other things, the story itself is definitely a 5 star read. As always let me know what you think in the comments! Pineapple Code word for this article is Empath
Angel's Gambit is available for pre-order now!
Susan is going to be giving away 25 Resin Axes and 25 Resin Feathers (Colors may vary on all resin pieces) EXCLUSIVE to the first 50 orders! These will not be available anywhere else! If you ALREADY entered for the swag set HERE Congratulations you are all set! To enter just email proof of your purchase AND YOUR MAILING ADDRESS to Susan Harris at [email protected] YOU MUST INCLUDE PROOF OF YOUR PRE-ORDER AND YOUR ADDRESS or your entry will NOT be counted. PLUS EVERYONE WHO SENDS IN PROOF OF THEIR PRE-ORDER WILL GET AN EXCLUSIVE SWAG! (These will ONLY be available for this offer) Good luck everyone! Rules
Jenn - Jennifer Rhodes met Melanie back when True Blood was popular and they have been friends ever since. She loves TV (especially things that make you smile), Doctor Who, Finding new shows, and regularly provides awesome fandom items for Muser Giveaways. Jennifer is now a proud member of the VIPers - the Melanie's Muses Spotlight Feature Team!Visions Of Destiny
These books have enthralled me from the very beginning and "Visions of Destiny" by Susan Harris is no different. Now just ask Mels or Dave when I love something I love it deeply, but getting back to this review.
If you’ve read the first two Sicarius security books then you know how this one starts. I got to say I was a bit anxious for this book because the cliffhanger about Jasmine really got to me, even though I knew she’d be fine in the end which she was. Also in this book we find out who’s been actually behind everything and just let me say I was way way off. With this book ending in another cliffhanger, all I can say is bring on the fourth. These books of Susan’s are definitely not to be missed. Of course I love all her other work as well, but this series will always hold a special place in my heart even after the series is long finished. And it also holds one of my all time favorite male characters and I don’t have many of those, so thanks for that Susan. You’re definitely one hell of a great writer, and maybe one day we can get these characters on the screen.
The Pineapple Code Word For This Article Is Jazz
Be sure to sign up for the release party!
Jenn - Jennifer Rhodes met Melanie back when True Blood was popular and they have been friends ever since. She loves TV (especially things that make you smile), Doctor Who, Finding new shows, and regularly provides awesome fandom items for Muser Giveaways. Jennifer is now a proud member of the VIPers - the Melanie's Muses Spotlight Feature Team!This show has invited us to some interesting places. A Murder House, an Asylum, a Coven, and many more. I won't list them all. I was a bit late to join the adventure, and some seasons I honestly just skipped altogether but this last season just dragged me back in with the title alone and that is "American Horror Story". Yes the first couple of seasons are the best but my top five have to be season one, (Murder House), season three (Coven), season two (Asylum), season five (Hotel) and just recently season eleven (NYC) Wow! That’s a lot of seasons but every time we get a new American horror story season it’s basically a whole different story. Now I do miss the original actors like Sarah Paulson but even though the newer cast aren’t that bad, the writing for me has been. But with that said I absolutely enjoyed "AHS New York City", basically NYC in the eighties. Though, this one took a different turn and by that I mean less gore, probably because of what the theme was all about, and no I won’t spoil it for you, though I’m pretty sure you’ll figure it out quick. I know I did. I’m absolutely thrilled that this season drew me back in because honestly I’ve missed it. Which seasons are your favorites and which have you skipped altogether? Melanie -I LOVE the American Horror Story franchise! Originally, it seemed that each season was completely alone, no connection to the others, but then the little crossover nods were noticed (and confirmed by the creators), and as the series went on we actually had flat out merging (Season 8 - Apocalypse). There are definitely some seasons that I prefer to others, although unlike Jenn I have watched them all, good and bad, except season 11. We started NYC but didn't finish it - although we will at sometime. For me any time you have Evan Peters and Jessica Lange you have a winner (Except season 2 - I really didn't like that one and literally only rewatch the scene with Jessica Lange singing lol). Murder House for me broke the mold and remains my favorite although I have enjoyed many of them, but they do tend to creep up the list if there are Murder House references. Even the American Horror Stories (anthology spin off) had some episodes that were an homage to Murder House because it is literally classic! Plus it holds one of my literally "OMG" moments from TV shows and there really aren't many that catch me like that. It was inspired! Although they switch the cast up every season, there were some recurring members that for many of us it becomes very noticeable when they are missing. A perfect example of this was Season 9 (1984). The story, despite many people's criticisms, was actually well written. For me the issue was that I could see where parts had been written with some of the veterans in mind, and with others replacing them, it just didn't quite work. Season 10 (Double Feature) was another example where things got a bit lost. Literally 2 separate mini stories, the first part (Red Tide - 6 Episodes), for 5 1/2 episodes was absolutely inspired. Although Jessica Lange was absent, the relationship between Evan Peters and Frances Conway's characters was amazing. The second part (Death Valley - 4 episodes), should probably all just have been left on the cutting room floor. I could probably write about this for hours - but I won't. Instead I will say that if you don't like a season just pick another one. Almost all of them stand alone and present variations that should hold appeal for anyone that likes even a little horror. The Pineapple Word For This Article Is - Tate YouTube Trailers For Season 1 (Murder House) and Season 11 (NYC)
And Now For The Giveaway!Melanie's Muses will be giving away an "AHS" prize pack containing the season 1 dvd set and horror band from Jenn, and a paperback copy of the Damsels In Distress anthology from the Melanie's Muses Prize Hoard. For your chance to win- FILL OUT THE FORM and tell us: Have you watched any of the America Horror Story Seasons? If so which was your favorite? Comments about the article are encouraged - but for now only qualifying entries on the form will go in the hat! What your answer is will not influence whether you go into the hat - Only that you answer the question!
Winner will be announced during the Live show on January 22nd (and then posted here on the blog as well on January 23rd if the winner isn't at the live.) Full Rules Below! Good luck everyone! Rules Only comments posted on THE FORM will be considered. This is open internationally. If you win and you cannot accept mail due to Covid issues we will hold the prize until such time as you can. Some exceptions may apply based on Post Office Regulations. Melanie's Muses takes no responsibility for rules beyond her control. Void Where Prohibited. Sharing is always appreciated but is not required for entry. Winner Will Be Picked At Random. One Entry Per Person / Household Prize is provided via Melanie's Muses and will be mailed by her. Winner will be announced during the live on Sunday January 22nd posted on this post on Monday January 23rd. Winner will have 48 hours to claim by messaging their address to - Or prize is considered forfeit. Failure to claim will result in a no future giveaway entry being counted for 30 days. We want people to claim their prizes! Don't get on the list! Any questions please contact Melanie on the Facebook page ***Disclaimer - Any Links To Buy and/or Subscribe to Amazon Programs On Amazon on this website are Amazon Affiliate Links Melanie's Muses is part of the Amazon Associate program and earns from qualifying purchases which in turns helps support all the Muser giveaways we do!***
Jenn - Jennifer Rhodes met Melanie back when True Blood was popular and they have been friends ever since. She loves TV (especially things that make you smile), Doctor Who, Finding new shows, and regularly provides awesome fandom items for Muser Giveaways. Jennifer is now a proud member of the VIPers - the Melanie's Muses Spotlight Feature Team!
I’m writing a little something different today, I mean yes it’s still about tv shows well in a way, what I want to talk about right now is shows canceled to soon, and with those pesky cliffhangers I might add! If you want to end a show fine but at least give it a ending close out the story because that’s the only fair thing to do for the fans and then everyone involved in making the show.
Do you have any shows that ended with cliffhangers that make you just want to go why?! Why?! Well here are my top five shows that ended with cliffhangers, that made me go no! Why?!
Melanie -
We all know this is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves! As one season wonders have been done A LOT and my list doesn't change THAT much, for my 5 I have a bit of a mix of older and newer shows, but I am still REALLY annoyed about them all!
Susan - Susan Harris is a writer from Cork, Ireland and when she’s not torturing her readers with heart-wrenching plot twists or killer cliffhangers, she’s probably getting some new book related ink, binging her latest TV or music obsession, or with her nose in a book. She is a proud founding Member of the Muser VIPers and is responsible for Melanie not breaking the Website on an almost daily basis!
The Tomorrow People was one of those shows that had everything, teenage angst, superpowers, a love triangle and a killer storyline that was just getting to the really twisty part when the CW cancelled it. The season ended on a cliffhanger that indicated some really interesting potential for season 2...but alas, it was not to be. The same could also be said for The Secret Circle which the CW cancelled as well.
Southland was a brilliant cop show that ran for five seasons before it was cancelled on one of either the best or worst cliffhangers depending on how you look at it. Something happens in the final episode and the audience never gets to see the outcome of one of the main characters and I still think back and wonder WTH happened in the end!!!
Does anyone remember Revolution? The post apocalyptic show where Bella Swan's dad is surviving in a world without power...that's not really the story but Billy Burke was one of the reasons I kept watching this show, but after two seasons, it was cancelled on a frustrating cliffhanger, because season 3 had already been planned so there was no resolving it for anyone.
Prodigal Son fell victim to the curse of Fox, and ended on what has to be one of the most frustrating cliffhangers of all time! I never understood why people didn't tune in to to watch the spectacular acting from Michael Sheen, Bellamy Young and Tom Payne, but as crazy as some of it was, that should have been enough to hook viewers like it did me and then ends in a grey area that could have been exciting to watch in season 3.
Pitch was another victim of the curse of Fox where shows that are not police or emergency rarely survive. This followed the first woman to play in Major League Baseball and the trails and tribulations that come along with that. It also had a very grumpy, very bearded Mark-Paul Gosselaar which I approved off immensely. But having had us root for the main character Ginny from the get go, the one season wonder ended on a massive cliffhanger and no resolution.
So which shows hurt the most for you? Let us know!
The Pineapple Codeword For This Article Is Cliffhanger
Jenn - Jennifer Rhodes met Melanie back when True Blood was popular and they have been friends ever since. She loves TV (especially things that make you smile), Doctor Who, Finding new shows, and regularly provides awesome fandom items for Muser Giveaways. Jennifer is now a proud member of the VIPers - the Melanie's Muses Spotlight Feature Team!
I know we’ve covered alien movies a lot, but hey why not just one more and that movie is "Coneheads". "Coneheads" is based on the NBC Saturday Night Live comedy sketches about aliens stranded on Earth, who have Anglicized their Remulakian surname to "Conehead". Michelle Burke took over the role played by Laraine Newman on SNL.
The movie is basically the same premise but it expands it more. It shows the conehead family as they navigate earth all while trying to get home. That’s not going too well, so like any other normal earth family they get jobs and even end up having a daughter. Through the years they get used to living on earth until a message ends up finally coming through from their people. Do they end up going home, conquering earth, or just stay because they realize earth has become their home. Well if you haven't seen it then that's for you to find out, and if you have then you know the answer.
I definitely recommend you check this out if you haven't. Is it cheesy? Yes but even the cheesiest movie can still be a good one.
I definitely recommend you check this out if you haven't. Is it cheesy? Yes but even the cheesiest movie can still be a good one.
The Pineapple Word For This Article Is - Mebs
And Now For The Giveaway
Melanie's Muses will be giving away a "Coneheads" prize pack containing the dvd from Jenn, and some Roswell Swag donated by Amanda Horton from the Melanie's Muses Prize Hoard.
For your chance to win- FILL OUT THE FORM and tell us:
Do you believe in aliens?
For your chance to win- FILL OUT THE FORM and tell us:
Do you believe in aliens?
Comments about the article are encouraged - but for now only qualifying entries on the form will go in the hat! What your answer is will not influence whether you go into the hat - Only that you answer the question!
Winner will be announced during the Live show on January 15th (and then posted here on the blog as well on January 16th if the winner isn't at the live.) Full Rules Below!
Good luck everyone!
Only comments posted on THE FORM will be considered.
This is open internationally. If you win and you cannot accept mail due to Covid issues we will hold the prize until such time as you can. Some exceptions may apply based on Post Office Regulations. Melanie's Muses takes no responsibility for rules beyond her control. Void Where Prohibited.
Sharing is always appreciated but is not required for entry.
Winner Will Be Picked At Random.
One Entry Per Person / Household
Prize is provided via Melanie's Muses and will be mailed by her.
Winner will be announced during the live on Sunday January 15th posted on this post on Monday January 16th. Winner will have 48 hours to claim by messaging their address to
- Or prize is considered forfeit.
Failure to claim will result in a no future giveaway entry being counted for 30 days.
We want people to claim their prizes! Don't get on the list!
Any questions please contact Melanie on the Facebook page
***Disclaimer - Any Links To Buy and/or Subscribe to Amazon Programs On Amazon on this website are Amazon Affiliate Links
Melanie's Muses is part of the Amazon Associate program and earns from qualifying purchases which in turns helps support all the Muser giveaways we do!***
Winner will be announced during the Live show on January 15th (and then posted here on the blog as well on January 16th if the winner isn't at the live.) Full Rules Below!
Good luck everyone!
Only comments posted on THE FORM will be considered.
This is open internationally. If you win and you cannot accept mail due to Covid issues we will hold the prize until such time as you can. Some exceptions may apply based on Post Office Regulations. Melanie's Muses takes no responsibility for rules beyond her control. Void Where Prohibited.
Sharing is always appreciated but is not required for entry.
Winner Will Be Picked At Random.
One Entry Per Person / Household
Prize is provided via Melanie's Muses and will be mailed by her.
Winner will be announced during the live on Sunday January 15th posted on this post on Monday January 16th. Winner will have 48 hours to claim by messaging their address to
- Or prize is considered forfeit.
Failure to claim will result in a no future giveaway entry being counted for 30 days.
We want people to claim their prizes! Don't get on the list!
Any questions please contact Melanie on the Facebook page
***Disclaimer - Any Links To Buy and/or Subscribe to Amazon Programs On Amazon on this website are Amazon Affiliate Links
Melanie's Muses is part of the Amazon Associate program and earns from qualifying purchases which in turns helps support all the Muser giveaways we do!***
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