Melanie's Muses
Melanie - Founder of Melanie's Muses - You should know who I am lol If not click - All about Melanie!Just over a week later and we are still in recovery mode from FC3 but it is worth it because it is SO MUCH FUN ... but it is also a LOT of work. I want to start by saying a HUGE thank you to the Musers that came up this year to work with me. To Jenn Rhodes (AKA Anna Parker), Shannon Watts, and Amanda Horton - who without them I can honestly say the 600 Scavenger Hunt packs would NOT have been finished - and they worked their asses off for the whole weekend. From Set up, Running Tables, Sales, - If we needed them they were there! Shannon even became a Taxi service (in her mom mode lol). To Susan Harris, who travelled from Ireland to be here (OK so that was not ONLY for the Con - it was a visit too) - but she helped with EVERYTHING because fame hasn't turned her into a Diva yet (I mean it hopefully never will ... but it is SUSAN HARRIS THE AUTHOR! ... if you know ... you know). And Finally to Dana and Troy for driving up to be guests at the con and show people how Musers do Scavenger Hunts! I'm sorry things were so crazy that we didn't get to hang out like last year - This year was definitely more of a "Work Environment". So what happens now? Well they just announced the dates for next year - September 14th and 15th 2024. You can read all the details HERE. And for those of you that are wondering if you would like it? Here are a few of the highlights from this year. Check them out and then go enter the giveaway which actually contains one of the Deal or No Deal prizes that wasn't won! The Pineapple Code Word For This Article Is FC32024 And Now For The Giveaway! Melanie's Muses will be giving away a DC Fandom Pack - No you don't get to know what's in it lol For your chance to win- FILL OUT THE FORM and tell us: What was the favorite moment you saw in the FC3 Videos- or if you were there what was your favorite moment at the con? Comments about the article are encouraged - but for now only qualifying entries on the form will go in the hat! What your answer is will not influence whether you go into the hat - Only that you answer the question!
Winner will be announced during the Live show on Sunday October 8th and then posted on the page as well on Monday October 9th (if the winner isn't at the live.) Full Rules Below! Good luck everyone! Rules Only comments posted on THE FORM will be considered. This is open internationally. If you win and you cannot accept mail due to Covid issues we will hold the prize until such time as you can. Some exceptions may apply based on Post Office Regulations. Melanie's Muses takes no responsibility for rules beyond her control. Void Where Prohibited. Sharing is always appreciated but is not required for entry. Winner Will Be Picked At Random. One Entry Per Person / Household Prize is provided via Melanie's Muses and will be mailed by her. Winner will be announced during the live on Sunday October 8th and then posted on the page as well on Monday October 9th. Winner will have 48 hours to claim by messaging their address to - Or prize is considered forfeit. Failure to claim will result in a no future giveaway entry being counted for 30 days. We want people to claim their prizes! Don't get on the list! Any questions please contact Melanie on the Facebook page ***Disclaimer - Any Links To Buy and/or Subscribe to Amazon Programs On Amazon on this website are Amazon Affiliate Links Melanie's Muses is part of the Amazon Associate program and earns from qualifying purchases which in turns helps support all the Muser giveaways we do!*** Jenn - Jennifer Rhodes met Melanie back when True Blood was popular and they have been friends ever since. She loves TV (especially things that make you smile), Doctor Who, Finding new shows, and regularly provides awesome fandom items for Muser Giveaways. Jennifer is now a proud member of the VIPers - the Melanie's Muses Spotlight Feature Team!This movie is a bit older and even as a remake but we know remakes usually go. But this could be the rare exception. That movie (or should I say those movies) is “Footloose”. Yes, Kevin Bacon stars in the original but honestly not being a huge Kevin Bacon fan I enjoy the remake a little bit more. Ren basically moves to a small close knit town that the reverend controls and ever since the death of the reverends son in a fatal car crash there has been no dancing there and basically no fun, at least to the teenagers that live there. That is until Ren. He questions everything, even the reasoning as to why there are no school dances. Catching the eye of the reverends daughter he fights back along with help. Does he change the towns mind? Well, maybe but if you’ve seen the original but not the remake I highly suggest you give it a chance. It’s actually really good. Melanie - Founder of Melanie's Muses - You should know who I am lol If not click - All about Melanie!So here is where Jenn and I differ. For me the remake was fine but the original is always going to come out on top. Even someone who isn't a Kevin Bacon fan (me) will choose version one lol. The Pineapple Code Word For This Article Is Footloose
And Now For The GiveawayMelanie's Muses will be giving away DVDs of both versions of the movie sent in by Jennifer! For your chance to win- FILL OUT THE FORM and tell us: What version do you like best? If you haven't seen either - which version appeals to you just based on the trailers? Comments about the article are encouraged - but for now only qualifying entries on the form will go in the hat! What your answer is will not influence whether you go into the hat - Only that you answer the question!
Winner will be announced during the Live show on Sunday October 1st and then posted on the page as well on Monday October 2nd (if the winner isn't at the live.) Full Rules Below! Good luck everyone! Rules Only comments posted on THE FORM will be considered. This is open internationally. If you win and you cannot accept mail due to Covid issues we will hold the prize until such time as you can. Some exceptions may apply based on Post Office Regulations. Melanie's Muses takes no responsibility for rules beyond her control. Void Where Prohibited. Sharing is always appreciated but is not required for entry. Winner Will Be Picked At Random. One Entry Per Person / Household Prize is provided via Melanie's Muses and will be mailed by her. Winner will be announced during the live on Sunday October 1st and then posted on the page as well on Monday October 2nd. Winner will have 48 hours to claim by messaging their address to - Or prize is considered forfeit. Failure to claim will result in a no future giveaway entry being counted for 30 days. We want people to claim their prizes! Don't get on the list! Any questions please contact Melanie on the Facebook page ***Disclaimer - Any Links To Buy and/or Subscribe to Amazon Programs On Amazon on this website are Amazon Affiliate Links Melanie's Muses is part of the Amazon Associate program and earns from qualifying purchases which in turns helps support all the Muser giveaways we do!*** Melanie - Should need no introduction! It was As it is crazy here in the middle of all the con prep - click the button below to read my original FC3 article and then come back and enter the giveaway! The Pineapple Code Word For This Article Is FC32023 And Now For The GiveawayMelanie's Muses will be giving away a Prize pack featuring swag from FC32023 - but we can't post a picture because she won't get it until the weekend lol For your chance to win- FILL OUT THE FORM and tell us: What was your favorite part from the original article? Comments about the article are encouraged - but for now only qualifying entries on the form will go in the hat! What your answer is will not influence whether you go into the hat - Only that you answer the question!
Winner will be announced during the Live show on September 24th and then posted on the page as well on September 25th if the winner isn't at the live.) Full Rules Below! Good luck everyone! Rules Only comments posted on THE FORM will be considered. This is open internationally. If you win and you cannot accept mail due to Covid issues we will hold the prize until such time as you can. Some exceptions may apply based on Post Office Regulations. Melanie's Muses takes no responsibility for rules beyond her control. Void Where Prohibited. Sharing is always appreciated but is not required for entry. Winner Will Be Picked At Random. One Entry Per Person / Household Prize is provided via Melanie's Muses and will be mailed by her. Winner will be announced during the live on September 24th and posted on the Facebook page on Monday September 25th if they aren't at the live. Winner will have 48 hours to claim by messaging their address to - Or prize is considered forfeit. Failure to claim will result in a no future giveaway entry being counted for 30 days. We want people to claim their prizes! Don't get on the list! Any questions please contact Melanie on the Facebook page ***Disclaimer - Any Links To Buy and/or Subscribe to Amazon Programs On Amazon on this website are Amazon Affiliate Links Melanie's Muses is part of the Amazon Associate program and earns from qualifying purchases which in turns helps support all the Muser giveaways we do!*** |
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