Melanie's Muses
Melanie -I am a HUGE Buffy fan - I mean it isn't really surprising I know ..... But I actually did a video when I was back with Telfie (about 5 years ago), so I am going to let that do the talking for me. (Also it's ALWAYS fun to cringe at the things you used to put out there .... right? lol) Especially as nothing has really changed AND the rest of the gang all has super stuff to share. Oh and when Jenn talks about James Marsters being so nice - check out the video he made when she met him - FOR ME!
Jenn - Jennifer Rhodes met Melanie back when True Blood was popular and they have been friends ever since. She loves TV (especially things that make you smile), Doctor Who, Finding new shows, and regularly provides awesome fandom items for Muser Giveaways. Jennifer is now a proud member of the VIPers - the Melanie's Muses Spotlight Feature Team!This classic of a vampire show is one of the ones, along with "Angel", I think started that vampire craze. Though this one was always better in my opinion and that’s "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". Take a high schooler and say "hey, you’re meant to slay vampires" and see how you’d take it. Me, I would have probably freaked out and ran. Buffy though, did not. She took what she was given and went with it becoming a amazing slayer in the process. Though she couldn’t have done it without her team-- Xander, Willow, and Tara. Also in earlier seasons Buffy dated Angel, and that’s where the eventual Angel spin off came from. He was a vampire with a soul. Interesting though I still always preferred Buffy and Spike together, though I may be alone on that one, but oh well. The series took Buffy through finishing high school, becoming a amazing slayer, breaking up with Angel, getting together with spike, losing her mom and Willow and taking care of her little sister Dawn. What a strong female character who knew what she was doing, and the vampires didn’t hurt either. Who doesn’t love vampires? I know I do, especially Spike. Speaking of Spike, James Marsters is the sweetest man. If you ever get a chance to meet him, you should. So if you happen to have never seen Buffy, then I have no words except you should watch it now, or if you have, how about another binge because I think it’s about time that I did one. Dave - Dave Christy loves horror, music, documentaries and more. He is also the co-runner of several fan based groups including Morningstars (THE Lucifer fan group also run by Melanie), and now is a member of the VIPers Spotlight Lounge team for Melanie's Muses. Other than "In The Spotlight" Features -check out his "31 Days Of Halloween Movies"In every generation, there is one Slayer. Well, maybe 2 if you count the band Slayer. But of course the Slayer we mean here is “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”. The humble start to Buffy was 1992 with the movie starring Kristy Swanson in the lead role. Things did not go as planned for the movie and it was doomed to fall into the shadows of obscurity until 1997 when it was resurrected as a television series. Sarah Michelle Gellar took over the reigns and a new young cast and a new Watcher to guide her. The time was ripe for a new hero. This tough as nails girl did not need a man to save her. She was fit to do the saving herself and hand deliver puns while doing it. The underground world of vampires and demons are definitely at risk with Buffy and her friends patrolling the streets and graveyards. Buffy ran for 7 seasons. After its 3rd season, her vamp boyfriend Angel left Sunnydale for L.A. and his own series where he was an investigating office for 5 seasons. Between the shows, they had a few crossovers and lots of great characters, memorable moments and more tears shed than I would like to admit. Personally, I always preferred Buffy but still always tuned in to “Angel” also. The side note to add. As much as the movie is so removed from the show, comic cons always autograph tables for both near each other and panels together. But having the autograph tables near each meant I was sandwiched between Kristy Swanson and Nicholas Brendon while I was working her table at Wizard World. Another perk was the celebs coming over to say hi to Kristy. Lou Ferrigno, Michael Rooker! I didn’t have anything to complain about that day. BtVS set the standard and ushered in change. Change in the dialog, change in the bar itself. Genre shows were no longer a failure doomed to be a one season wonder. They were a force to be reckoned with, rivalling the status quo and setting the stage to possibly become the next pop culture icons. Susan - Susan Harris is a writer from Cork, Ireland and when she’s not torturing her readers with heart-wrenching plot twists or killer cliffhangers, she’s probably getting some new book related ink, binging her latest TV or music obsession, or with her nose in a book. She is a proud founding Member of the Muser VIPers and is responsible for Melanie not breaking the Website on an almost daily basis! |
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And Now For The Giveaway
Melanie's Muses will be giving away an "Buffy" Prize Pack featuring a Buffy Coloring Book. Sunnydale Lanyard, and Horror wrist band from Jennifer, and a Xander 25th anniversary Funko Pop, and Sanguine Crown Swag from the Melanie's Muses Prize Hoard
For your chance to win- FILL OUT THE FORM and tell us:
Were you Team Angel or Team Spike (Or Team Other Character - let us know who).
For your chance to win- FILL OUT THE FORM and tell us:
Were you Team Angel or Team Spike (Or Team Other Character - let us know who).
- Comments about the article are encouraged - but for now only qualifying entries on the form will go in the hat! What your answer is will not influence whether you go into the hat - Only that you answer the question!
Winner will be announced during the Live show on April 10th (and then posted here on the blog as well on March April 11th if the winner isn't at the live.) Full Rules Below!
Good luck everyone!
Rules - Only comments posted on THE FORM will be considered.
- This is open internationally. If you win and you cannot accept mail due to Covid issues we will hold the prize until such time as you can. Some exceptions may apply based on Post Office Regulations. Melanie's Muses takes no responsibility for rules beyond her control. Void Where Prohibited.
- Sharing is always appreciated but is not required for entry.
- Winner Will Be Picked At Random.
- One Entry Per Person / Household
- Prize is provided via Melanie's Muses and will be mailed by her.
- Winner will be announced during the live on Sunday April 10th posted on this post on Monday April 11thth Winner will have 48 hours to claim by messaging their address to
- Or prize is considered forfeit. - Failure to claim will result in a no future giveaway entry being counted for 30 days.
We want people to claim their prizes! Don't get on the list! - Any questions please contact Melanie on the Facebook page
My review of Purses, Curses, & Hearses by Colleen Gleason! Be sure to let me know what you think. You can get book 1 for just $0.99 or read both for Free with you Kindle Unlimited Membership. Don't have KU? Try it FREE for 30 days when you click the link!
** Disclosure**
Any Links To Buy On Amazon Is My Amazon Affiliate Link.(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases - Which helps provide for the giveaways!) |
Back Cover Blurb
Jacqueline Finch is a lifelong book lover, which is why it was a literal gift from the Universe when she inherited Three Tomes Bookshop at the ripe old age of forty-eight. But she’s had a few adjustments to make along the way, including the fact that her bookshop seems to be a haven for literary characters to come alive…and to stick their noses into things that aren’t any of their business—including Sherlock Holmes’s landlady, Mrs. Hudson, who is constantly bickering with the dour housekeeper from Rebecca, Mrs. Danvers. And then there are the three old ladies down the street, whose resemblance to Macbeth's Witches Three cannot be ignored. Nevertheless, Jacqueline is happy in her new life and everything seems to be going well…even when she discovers that Dickens’s the Artful Dodger has come to life at Three Tomes Bookshop. Why Dodger is here and what problem he’s meant to solve for some real-life person is the question—but in the meantime, Jacqueline has to figure out how to keep the light-fingered pickpocket from dipping his hands into her customers’ pockets and purses! She manages to keep Dodger under wraps until a young woman bursts into the shop claiming her husband is trying to kill her. Jacqueline springs into action, but it turns out the threatened young woman wants a specific kind of assistance that Jacqueline has no idea how to provide…the sort of assistance not found in books… Things get even worse when Cinderella shows up at the shop and the Artful Dodger falls for her…and neither of them have any intention of returning to their books in a timely manner—if ever. Jacqueline’s got her hands full, but with the help of the three crones and her two best friends, she’s determined to muddle through…somehow. |
General Facts About The Book!
Standalone or series?
Book 2 in The Three Tombs Bookshop Series - (Does need to be read in order). You can read my review for book 1 here.
How did I get this book?
I liked book 1 - and when I saw book 2 was coming out I bugged Colleen to send me a copy.
Why did I choose to read this book:
I enjoyed book 1 and felt that now all the scene setting was done the potential was endless. Plus - It's a magic bookshop - need I say more.
Paranormal Women's Fiction
And Now To The Review!
First Impressions:
As we discover in book one here's a bookstore - a magical book store with fictional characters working there ..... but now other fictional characters are turning up too but now humans need help too - and not just finding a book!
General Review
With the world already established in book 1, Colleen is able to do what she does best, explore story options that you wouldn't normally consider, and they work! No spoilers, as per my general review rule, but the events especially in the second half of the book are nothing short of genius for literary fans. I love the nods to other book characters that not only appear in the story, but outside "what ifs" with a couple of my all time favorite people from pages, and long time Colleen Gleason readers will love the nods to her own other series. This book took everything that was good in book 1, and ran with it, straight for a gold medal!
Final Thoughts
This is a great Paranormal Women's Fiction series, and although the world is completely open for more books to come in the series, those that hate the cliffhangers can rest happy that everything that needs to be wrapped up is concluded in this book. That's not to say you can't see where things can go, but you won't want to throw things against the wall.
An easy 5 stars for this spectacular sequel!
As always let me know what you think in the comments!
Code word for this article is Purse
Book 2 in The Three Tombs Bookshop Series - (Does need to be read in order). You can read my review for book 1 here.
How did I get this book?
I liked book 1 - and when I saw book 2 was coming out I bugged Colleen to send me a copy.
Why did I choose to read this book:
I enjoyed book 1 and felt that now all the scene setting was done the potential was endless. Plus - It's a magic bookshop - need I say more.
Paranormal Women's Fiction
And Now To The Review!
First Impressions:
As we discover in book one here's a bookstore - a magical book store with fictional characters working there ..... but now other fictional characters are turning up too but now humans need help too - and not just finding a book!
General Review
With the world already established in book 1, Colleen is able to do what she does best, explore story options that you wouldn't normally consider, and they work! No spoilers, as per my general review rule, but the events especially in the second half of the book are nothing short of genius for literary fans. I love the nods to other book characters that not only appear in the story, but outside "what ifs" with a couple of my all time favorite people from pages, and long time Colleen Gleason readers will love the nods to her own other series. This book took everything that was good in book 1, and ran with it, straight for a gold medal!
Final Thoughts
This is a great Paranormal Women's Fiction series, and although the world is completely open for more books to come in the series, those that hate the cliffhangers can rest happy that everything that needs to be wrapped up is concluded in this book. That's not to say you can't see where things can go, but you won't want to throw things against the wall.
An easy 5 stars for this spectacular sequel!
As always let me know what you think in the comments!
Code word for this article is Purse
Vampire governor Belladonna Barrone is facing the challenge of her life. Literally. Can she outwit and outlast the vampire council? She has no idea, but she has no plans to go down without a fight. If she manages to survive, another challenge awaits her. Can she handle the responsibility that comes with accepting the crown? Being governor is one thing. Being queen? That’s a whole different set of problems. And there’s a whole new set of enemies out to make sure she doesn’t succeed. All Donna knows for sure is that it’s time to embrace the suck. |
Generally About The Book
Standalone or series?
Book 5 - Final Installment in the First Fangs Club Series - CANNOT BE READ AS A STANDALONE
How did I get this book?
I am lucky enough to Kristen's alpha reader.
Why did I choose to read this book:
Because I will literally read anything with Kristen's name attached - And omg Cliffhanger in book 4!
Paranormal Women's Fiction
And Now To The Review!
First Impressions:
With book 4 ending on a cliffhanger (much to the chagrin of many readers who may have come to find the authors AFTER her Urban Fantasy phase - trust me - this had NOTHING on the House of Comarre), we were ready to find out the fate of Donna and all her friends.
General Review
As I don't believe in spoilers in my reviews there isn't really much I can say except I am irritated with myself for not spotting one of the things, amazed and the new concepts created for this final, and very satisfied with how it all wrapped up. Readers can interpret that as they will but know that my satisfaction does not necessarily equate a happily ever after for everyone. I am kinda dark this way.
Final Thoughts
I hope that somewhere down the line we get to revisit with some of these characters, I am not sure that is in the cards, but one of the things that always stands out to me in a Kristen Painter book is how fleshed out even the most minor characters are. They have a depth of their own that makes them often feel as important as the main group, and that just adds so many layers in bringing the books to life.
5 stars from me and a recommendation to read the series - but from the beginning. As clever as Kristen is at providing reminders about things that have already happened, this is a series where you REALLY need to read from book 1!
As always let me know what you think in the comments!
Standalone or series?
Book 5 - Final Installment in the First Fangs Club Series - CANNOT BE READ AS A STANDALONE
How did I get this book?
I am lucky enough to Kristen's alpha reader.
Why did I choose to read this book:
Because I will literally read anything with Kristen's name attached - And omg Cliffhanger in book 4!
Paranormal Women's Fiction
And Now To The Review!
First Impressions:
With book 4 ending on a cliffhanger (much to the chagrin of many readers who may have come to find the authors AFTER her Urban Fantasy phase - trust me - this had NOTHING on the House of Comarre), we were ready to find out the fate of Donna and all her friends.
General Review
As I don't believe in spoilers in my reviews there isn't really much I can say except I am irritated with myself for not spotting one of the things, amazed and the new concepts created for this final, and very satisfied with how it all wrapped up. Readers can interpret that as they will but know that my satisfaction does not necessarily equate a happily ever after for everyone. I am kinda dark this way.
Final Thoughts
I hope that somewhere down the line we get to revisit with some of these characters, I am not sure that is in the cards, but one of the things that always stands out to me in a Kristen Painter book is how fleshed out even the most minor characters are. They have a depth of their own that makes them often feel as important as the main group, and that just adds so many layers in bringing the books to life.
5 stars from me and a recommendation to read the series - but from the beginning. As clever as Kristen is at providing reminders about things that have already happened, this is a series where you REALLY need to read from book 1!
As always let me know what you think in the comments!
** Disclosure**
Any Links To Buy On Amazon Is My Amazon Affiliate Link.(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases - Which helps provide for the giveaways!
Any Links To Buy On Amazon Is My Amazon Affiliate Link.(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases - Which helps provide for the giveaways!
Jenn - Jennifer Rhodes met Melanie back when True Blood was popular and they have been friends ever since. She loves TV (especially things that make you smile), Doctor Who, Finding new shows, and regularly provides awesome fandom items for Muser Giveaways. Jennifer is now a proud member of the VIPers - the Melanie's Muses Spotlight Feature Team!
Hello Dear Reader ......I seem to always be late with shows. It’s a trend with me, but oh well I guess the saying "better late then never" applies here too. "Bridgerton" isn’t one I was so sure that I wanted to watch, or that I’d even like it but I was wrong. I loved it, and not only does it have romance in it, friendship and family there’s even a little mystery to go along and that’s in the form of who is this mystery writer. That keeps everyone on their toes. Though, Dave said he figured it out. I did not, and was totally floored when I found out who it was. Well, like Dave said it’s always the person you’d least expect, and one that can get by unseen and unnoticed.
A little hint there for those that still may have not seen it, and apparently these are books, which I didn’t find out until after I watched, and no I haven’t read them. The first season is the first book though, as I think the second season will follow the second book. Now I won’t really go into detail here because if I do that would basically give away the whole story line, and I don’t want to ruin it for any other musers that might have yet not seen it, so my advice if you haven’t. There’s still time before season two. It’s a quick binge and once you start, you won’t be able to stop.
A little hint there for those that still may have not seen it, and apparently these are books, which I didn’t find out until after I watched, and no I haven’t read them. The first season is the first book though, as I think the second season will follow the second book. Now I won’t really go into detail here because if I do that would basically give away the whole story line, and I don’t want to ruin it for any other musers that might have yet not seen it, so my advice if you haven’t. There’s still time before season two. It’s a quick binge and once you start, you won’t be able to stop.
Dave - Dave Christy loves horror, music, documentaries and more. He is also the co-runner of several fan based groups including Morningstars (THE Lucifer fan group also run by Melanie), and now is a member of the VIPers Spotlight Lounge team for Melanie's Muses. Other than "In The Spotlight" Features -check out his "31 Days Of Halloween Movies"
Bridgerton. Right off the bat, it had 2 things going against it. 1. I don’t watch a lot of “old timey” shows and movies. A few may catch my eye but not a lot. 2. I don’t do a lot of drama besides crime drama, unless there is something weird about it like “Twin Peaks”. So this was not really on my radar at all. It was closer to the “avoid at all costs" list. Also, everyone I heard talking about was talking about the romance and love story. Nope, I don’t do those either. 3 strikes and it should be out, right? Well, after Jenn watched it, I checked out the trailer again. The mystery writer aspect got me hooked. I could always go for a good mystery. It was enough of a secondary plot device that kept me interested even though I couldn’t care less who was dating who, etc. So we’ll see what Season 2 brings and if it can hold my attention now that the mystery was uncovered.
Trailers For Season 1 & 2
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And Now For The Giveaway!
Melanie's Muses will be giving away an "Bridgerton" Prize Pack featuring "The Duke & I" - Book 1 in the Bridgerton books from Jennifer, and a "Your Beauty Moment Box" from the Melanie's Muses Prize Hoard
For your chance to win- FILL OUT THE FORM and tell us:
If you were to write a secret newsletter and NOONE knew it was you - what would you write about?
For your chance to win- FILL OUT THE FORM and tell us:
If you were to write a secret newsletter and NOONE knew it was you - what would you write about?
- Comments about the article are encouraged - but for now only qualifying entries on the form will go in the hat! What your answer is will not influence whether you go into the hat - Only that you answer the question!
Winner will be announced during the Live show on April 3rd (and then posted here on the blog as well on April 4th if the winner isn't at the live.) Full Rules Below!
Good luck everyone!
Rules - Only comments posted on THE FORM will be considered.
- This is open internationally. If you win and you cannot accept mail due to Covid issues we will hold the prize until such time as you can. Some exceptions may apply based on Post Office Regulations. Melanie's Muses takes no responsibility for rules beyond her control. Void Where Prohibited.
- Sharing is always appreciated but is not required for entry.
- Winner Will Be Picked At Random.
- One Entry Per Person / Household
- Prize is provided via Melanie's Muses and will be mailed by her.
- Winner will be announced during the live on Sunday April 3rd posted on this post on Monday April 4th. Winner will have 48 hours to claim by messaging their address to
- Or prize is considered forfeit. - Failure to claim will result in a no future giveaway entry being counted for 30 days.
We want people to claim their prizes! Don't get on the list! - Any questions please contact Melanie on the Facebook page
Feature Friday - And today it's the release of Susan Harris's new book Leap Of Faith and Jenn is here with a review! Be sure to let us know what you think!
Official Blurb
Ezekiel Collins has always despised the monster that he became when he was turned into a vampire. A man of faith, he believed that God was punishing him, giving him a thirst for blood that never seems to end no matter how much he begs forgiveness. He has been merely coasting through life, waiting for the axe to fall, when a certain succubus saunters into his life and he finds himself craving her touch more than blood. Scarlett Russel was kicked out of her Seduction because unlike her kin, she is hungry for romance. She wants to find her knight in shining armour who can love her for her, and not her species. What she wasn’t expecting was to be attracted to the grumpiest vampire at Sicarius Security, Ezekiel Collins. And considering the scary but handsome vampire seems to hate Scarlett, even though she can tell that he is attracted to her too, working so close to him may just drive her crazy. There is still a threat to the entire Sicarius family but the multi-million euro company won’t manage itself. Ezekiel and Scarlett are forced to work in close proximity to one another, their attraction palpable. Will they fight against the chance of a happy ever after or will they both take a leap of faith and see what the future has in store? |
Jenn - Jennifer Rhodes met Melanie back when True Blood was popular and they have been friends ever since. She loves TV (especially things that make you smile), Doctor Who, Finding new shows, and regularly provides awesome fandom items for Muser Giveaways. Jennifer is now a proud member of the VIPers - the Melanie's Muses Spotlight Feature Team!
**Review With Very Minor Spoilers **
"Leap of Faith" is the second book in the Sicarius security series by Susan Harris, and all I can say is wow. This book I was definitely excited for because it was all about my boy Zeke, and knowing his background and what he’s been through. I was hoping that he’d finally get his happy ending, or at least close to it anyways. I can say I wasn’t disappointed in that department, because Scarlett, the heroine of Zeke's story, definitely deserved him in a way that made me continually keep smiling all through the book. She was there for him, and whatever he tried to do to scare her off, she wasn’t having any of it, and truthfully that’s what he needed and it worked. Scarlett tamed the monk.
Now, I’m not saying this book isn’t full of surprises because it definitely is. One surprise even had me dropping my phone. So thanks for that Susan, luckily I was sitting or I might of fainted as well. But don’t worry it’s a good surprise at least I thought so.
Now Keeva and Malakai do return at the end of this book and you’re left on a whopper of a cliffhanger, but if you’ve read Susan’s books by now you know that’s just her. I personally can’t wait for the third book because this series has me totally enthralled.
Dare I say-- tv show anyone? Because I may eventually need one.
Now, I’m not saying this book isn’t full of surprises because it definitely is. One surprise even had me dropping my phone. So thanks for that Susan, luckily I was sitting or I might of fainted as well. But don’t worry it’s a good surprise at least I thought so.
Now Keeva and Malakai do return at the end of this book and you’re left on a whopper of a cliffhanger, but if you’ve read Susan’s books by now you know that’s just her. I personally can’t wait for the third book because this series has me totally enthralled.
Dare I say-- tv show anyone? Because I may eventually need one.
Pineapple word for this article is Zeke
** Disclosure**
Any Links To Buy On Amazon Is My Amazon Affiliate Link. (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases - Which helps provide for the giveaways!
Any Links To Buy On Amazon Is My Amazon Affiliate Link. (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases - Which helps provide for the giveaways!
Jenn - Jennifer Rhodes met Melanie back when True Blood was popular and they have been friends ever since. She loves TV (especially things that make you smile), Doctor Who, Finding new shows, and regularly provides awesome fandom items for Muser Giveaways. Jennifer is now a proud member of the VIPers - the Melanie's Muses Spotlight Feature Team!
& Dave - Dave Christy loves horror, music, documentaries and more. He is also the co-runner of several fan based groups including Morningstars (THE Lucifer fan group also run by Melanie), and now is a member of the VIPers Spotlight Lounge team for Melanie's Muses. Other than "In The Spotlight" Features -check out his "31 Days Of Halloween Movies"
Dave: Vacation, all I ever wanted Vacation, had to get away Vacation, meant to be spent alone
Wrong theme song but maybe this family would have better off spending vacation alone.
Wrong theme song but maybe this family would have better off spending vacation alone.
Jenn: These five movies I’m sure everyone has heard of and one is my favorite Christmas movie of all time, but I want to talk about them all, and not just that one because they all deserve a watch, even if it’s just one time like I did with "Vacation". (Melanie- this is our favorite - we watch it EVERY year on Christmas eve!)
"National Lampoon's Vacation" is about the Griswold family and their shenanigans as the drive across country on a family vacation. You meet memorable characters along the way like Cousin Eddie, who might show up in other movies, and though the parents remain the same, the kids and cousin Katherine who’s Eddie’s wife does not.
In the first it’s off to Wally World on a family road trip, though they would of been better off just flying.
"National Lampoon's Vacation" is about the Griswold family and their shenanigans as the drive across country on a family vacation. You meet memorable characters along the way like Cousin Eddie, who might show up in other movies, and though the parents remain the same, the kids and cousin Katherine who’s Eddie’s wife does not.
In the first it’s off to Wally World on a family road trip, though they would of been better off just flying.
Dave: The first vacation movie is an absolute classic. The beginning of our love affair with this fun family. So many classic moments and and funny lines. If you haven't seen it yet, where have you been for the last 40 years?
Jenn: "European Vacation" is the second chapter of these movies and this time the family is off to Europe after winning on the Pig in the Poke tv show. You’d think this time the family wouldn’t run into trouble but you’d be wrong, this second movie is good but I’m still a bigger fan of the first more. Also Cousin Eddie is not in "European Vacation" or "Vacation".
Dave: I remember seeing this in theaters. It was PG 13 so I was actually able to, unlike the previous R rated outing. It was ok. Funny at times but couldn't live up to the original by any means.
Jenn: "Christmas Vacation" I’ve talked about before, so you already know it’s my favorite and favorite Christmas movie as well. This time the family doesn’t go anywhere but invites everyone over for a Christmas get together to remember and boy is it that, but not in the way that you’d think. Clark does like to do everything big and Christmas is no exception.
Dave: This movie makes me think that Clark invented the saying "go big or go home". He outdoes himself in this one and the whole extended family is on the line in this one. But that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun along the way.
Jenn: The fourth installment besides the newer one has to be my least favorite and that’s "Vegas Vacation". The family heads off to Vegas to celebrate Clark’s new accomplishment at work. Though while in vegas I think Clark may just realize how important his family is to him when they all end up going there own separate ways for a bit.
Dave: Ehh, I think of this as the one that tried a little too hard. A few funny moments but fell a little short for me. Its probably the only one of the Chevy Chase "Vacation" series that I only watched once.
Jenn: "Vacation" is the most recent and this shows Rusty or Russ as he’s called all grown up and with a family of his own, wanting to go on his own trip to Wally World. He takes his family cross country just like his father did with him. Are things different, well you know that saying like father like son, it couldn’t be more true here so just think about it. These movies no matter what you may think about them are some of my favorites to watch, even though "Vegas Vacation" and "Vacation" weren’t that great, they weren’t terrible either.
Dave: I think this one was trying to relaunch the franchise but the timing was a little off. It was an ok film to sit through but not one I'd rewatch.
Dave: "Christmas Vacation 2" is one they should have never made. Its basically a Cousin Eddie feature and has the Griswold daughter (from the original) in it. You'd think that sounds good considering how lovable Eddie is, right? Wrong! Its a sinking ship that no one knew when to jump off. I hope their paycheck was good enough to erase the memory of this movie out of their minds.
Check out the trailer to the first movie & the Christmas movie below. Then scroll down for the giveaway!
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Pineapple word for this article is Vacation
And now for the giveaway.....
And now for the giveaway.....
Melanie's Muses will be giving away an "Vacation" Prize Pack featuring the 5 pack DVD collection from Jennifer, USA CAP, Mini Back Pack, and Canada Keychain from Vicky Pond, "Legit" author sunglasses from Nely Cab, and a hairbrush/mirror disk, leis, and wrist band from the Melanie's Muses Prize Hoard
For your chance to win- FILL OUT THE FORM and tell us:
What was your favorite Vacation?
For your chance to win- FILL OUT THE FORM and tell us:
What was your favorite Vacation?
- Comments about the article are encouraged - but for now only qualifying entries on the form will go in the hat! What your answer is will not influence whether you go into the hat - Only that you answer the question!
Winner will be announced during the Live show on March 27th (and then posted here on the blog as well on March 28th if the winner isn't at the live.) Full Rules Below!
Good luck everyone!
Rules - Only comments posted on THE FORM will be considered.
- This is open internationally. If you win and you cannot accept mail due to Covid issues we will hold the prize until such time as you can. Some exceptions may apply based on Post Office Regulations. Melanie's Muses takes no responsibility for rules beyond her control. Void Where Prohibited.
- Sharing is always appreciated but is not required for entry.
- Winner Will Be Picked At Random.
- One Entry Per Person / Household
- Prize is provided via Melanie's Muses and will be mailed by her.
- Winner will be announced during the live on Sunday March 27th posted on this post on Monday March 28th Winner will have 48 hours to claim by messaging their address to
- Or prize is considered forfeit. - Failure to claim will result in a no future giveaway entry being counted for 30 days.
We want people to claim their prizes! Don't get on the list! - Any questions please contact Melanie on the Facebook page
Welcome to Feature Friday - which used to be "Forgotten Features" but this is new - so that doesn't work! Unlike our normal, general reviews, this one will be FULL OF SPOILERS! There are NO CODE WORDS - THERE IS NO GIVEAWAY! IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW STOP READING NOW! Of course if you are reading be sure to let us know what you think! |
Melanie -
Let me say this one more time, for those sitting in the back, THERE ARE GOING TO BE SPOILERS! I don't know how else we can make this clear - this article is JUST a review - FULL OF SPOILERS - There is NO HIDDEN GIVEAWAY - NO CODE WORD - NO BONUS FOR READING. But one more time for good measure - SPOILER ALERT!
OK with that out there way it's time to begin. Let me start by saying I generally LOVE the Scream franchise, yes even Scream 4 that people love to shove in a closet and pretend it doesn't exist - I love that one too.
With that being said, this one is not going to become a rewatch favorite. In fact I am more likely to pretty much pretend this one doesn't exist. (I'm very good at that lol).
I'm going to break it down into sections and try not to go into TOO much detail - but I have a LOT of feelings about this movie - and most of them not good.
1. The name! Everyone that knows the franchise is going to call it Scream 5. So why reboot to Scream? They themselves poke fun of the fact that they have done it IN the movie with references to a new "Stab" movie that should have just been called "Stab 8". This isn't a reboot of any kinds. It is LITERALLY a continuation of the original 4 movies (except for the fact that apparently after Scream 3 Sydney married McDreamy and had kids with him - that was never mentioned in 4 - but OK we will go with it) - but now when you search things it's just confusing. FAIL!
2. Dave and I actually discussed this in length and have agreed to disagree - but I am not letting it go! THEY CHEATED!!!! During the movie "Ghostface" runs around doing his "Ghostface" thing and those familiar with the movies will know that usually there is more than one killer thus 2 different Ghostfaces. Now I am not counting times when stunt people are used etc - I am talking about a flat our credit to a guy at the end as .... "GHOSTFACE". Just NO! That's cheating. One of the things we look for is body type - height - movement etc. If you rewatch the original and know the killers you can actually tell when it is meant to be Stu and when it is meant to be Billy. PUTTING A COMPLETELY ROGUE BIG GUY IN THE SUIT IS CHEATING. I will DIE on that bridge. OK Moving on ....
3. The plot. OK this plot wasn't too bad. I liked the idea that it tied back to Billy somehow, and Stu kinda sorta with a super tenuous link - but anyway .... The Billy CGI stuff? Oh where were the Marvel people that created Young Tony Stark - we needed THEM! I love Billy - he is one of my all time fav characters and I love they found a way to bring him back to the screen in a way that made sense - just some of those were super creepy. Remember Annoying Orange? That kinda vibe. (On a side note I do wish they would have explored the psychiatric issues a little more - that would have been interesting). One of the killers was super obvious - the other I think I would have gotten IF THEY HADN'T CHEATED! (See point 2).
4. I mean it's a slasher. Injuries are often never as bad as they seem - things heal quickly - and in Woodsboro - the way that hospital is? DAMN Don't even get taken there - I swear there are NO staff - but the continuity in the wounds in this was too much even for me to overlook. Just total fail.
5. Deaths - yes they have to happen but it was a running joke that Dewey survived everything. I HATE that they killed him off. HATE IT! They brought him back as this sad alcoholic, only to have him rally and help, just to kill him off. NOPE. Pointless kill (although Dave disagrees here - He has been waiting for it). Also Gale - Gale - the reason for his distraction - is devastated for like 30 seconds. Just NOPE to all of that.
Finally to sum up - there were some fun call backs to the original that I enjoyed. A reference in Dewey's place to Tatum who has been conspicuous in her absence since her death in the first one. There are also many references to her final scene. The music was spot on! They nailed the classic themes that run though the franchise (although more people recognize the main one as the "Peaky Blinders" theme now), but many, many things for fans to watch for.
And of course - "For Wes" - That was perfect!
With that being said, this one is not going to become a rewatch favorite. In fact I am more likely to pretty much pretend this one doesn't exist. (I'm very good at that lol).
I'm going to break it down into sections and try not to go into TOO much detail - but I have a LOT of feelings about this movie - and most of them not good.
1. The name! Everyone that knows the franchise is going to call it Scream 5. So why reboot to Scream? They themselves poke fun of the fact that they have done it IN the movie with references to a new "Stab" movie that should have just been called "Stab 8". This isn't a reboot of any kinds. It is LITERALLY a continuation of the original 4 movies (except for the fact that apparently after Scream 3 Sydney married McDreamy and had kids with him - that was never mentioned in 4 - but OK we will go with it) - but now when you search things it's just confusing. FAIL!
2. Dave and I actually discussed this in length and have agreed to disagree - but I am not letting it go! THEY CHEATED!!!! During the movie "Ghostface" runs around doing his "Ghostface" thing and those familiar with the movies will know that usually there is more than one killer thus 2 different Ghostfaces. Now I am not counting times when stunt people are used etc - I am talking about a flat our credit to a guy at the end as .... "GHOSTFACE". Just NO! That's cheating. One of the things we look for is body type - height - movement etc. If you rewatch the original and know the killers you can actually tell when it is meant to be Stu and when it is meant to be Billy. PUTTING A COMPLETELY ROGUE BIG GUY IN THE SUIT IS CHEATING. I will DIE on that bridge. OK Moving on ....
3. The plot. OK this plot wasn't too bad. I liked the idea that it tied back to Billy somehow, and Stu kinda sorta with a super tenuous link - but anyway .... The Billy CGI stuff? Oh where were the Marvel people that created Young Tony Stark - we needed THEM! I love Billy - he is one of my all time fav characters and I love they found a way to bring him back to the screen in a way that made sense - just some of those were super creepy. Remember Annoying Orange? That kinda vibe. (On a side note I do wish they would have explored the psychiatric issues a little more - that would have been interesting). One of the killers was super obvious - the other I think I would have gotten IF THEY HADN'T CHEATED! (See point 2).
4. I mean it's a slasher. Injuries are often never as bad as they seem - things heal quickly - and in Woodsboro - the way that hospital is? DAMN Don't even get taken there - I swear there are NO staff - but the continuity in the wounds in this was too much even for me to overlook. Just total fail.
5. Deaths - yes they have to happen but it was a running joke that Dewey survived everything. I HATE that they killed him off. HATE IT! They brought him back as this sad alcoholic, only to have him rally and help, just to kill him off. NOPE. Pointless kill (although Dave disagrees here - He has been waiting for it). Also Gale - Gale - the reason for his distraction - is devastated for like 30 seconds. Just NOPE to all of that.
Finally to sum up - there were some fun call backs to the original that I enjoyed. A reference in Dewey's place to Tatum who has been conspicuous in her absence since her death in the first one. There are also many references to her final scene. The music was spot on! They nailed the classic themes that run though the franchise (although more people recognize the main one as the "Peaky Blinders" theme now), but many, many things for fans to watch for.
And of course - "For Wes" - That was perfect!
Dave - Dave Christy loves horror, music, documentaries and more. He is also the co-runner of several fan based groups including Morningstars (THE Lucifer fan group also run by Melanie), and now is a member of the VIPers Spotlight Lounge team for Melanie's Muses. Other than "In The Spotlight" Features -check out his "31 Days Of Halloween Movies"
The familiar Dimension logo opening the first 4 installments of the “Scream” movies is missing from the latest feature. It could be one of the reasons they went with the title “Scream” instead of “Scream 5”. New studio, new start? I still refuse to call it just “Scream” though. There is already a movie called “Scream” and in this franchise. They know it exists. Even if it isn’t in the franchise, if you know it exists, pick a different title! The other day I saw a 2021 movie up called “The Naked Gun”. What? No, not the Leslie Nielsen movie. Will we see another movie called “Jaws” and “Psycho” too? (Deep inhale, and exhale). Ok, now that rant is over.
Now onto our regularly scheduled feature. Opening with the iconic phone call. Does anyone even answer calls from “unknown caller”? I don’t. Hell, half the time I don’t answer it if I do know who they are. There are alot of familiar tones and pacings scattered throughout the movie. Its been 11 years since the last one but they need to keep up appearances even though it may be a double edged sword. Change too much, they don’t like it. Keep it the same, they don’t like it. One thing that hasn’t changed is Woodsboro has the worst hospital staff ever. “Scream 4” and “Scream 5” have patients taking out their own needles and the pulse ox off their fingers and not a nurse in sight. Even when the patient leaves their room, no one in the hall. When my pulse ox wasn’t reading, I had a nurse there in a minute.
Keeping things updated and staying with what we have come to expect from this franchise. We march forward into each jump scare as we are treated with horror references, purposely dropped lines to imply that each character is the killer, and meta laced lines, even in the background. A YouTube video trashing why the choice was made to not call “Stab 8” “Stab 8” and just went with “Stab”! One thing that never changes is the killers always want to frame Sydney for the murders. Haven't they learned that never works?
And a death I've been waiting for "Scream 3". Movies need stakes. Slashers bring back characters to kill them off. Elm Street did it with a few characters. Jamie Lee was killed off in the Halloween series a couple times, and I think its coming again in "Halloween Ends" but thats just a guess. Dewey finally gets it 4 movies after he was originally supposed to die in the original. To quote "Scream 3", "every time this guy enters the room, he ends up a damn shish kabob". Why hasn't he died before this? Gale's been shot a few times, stabbed. Sydney's been mutilated too. Slashers kill off characters. The rule of the slasher genre is supposed to be only the killers can take this kind of beating and not die. I think its about time Dewey got it and it should be Gale and Sydney's turn next.
As a bonus we get to see a little more of the “Stab” movie. Maybe one day, we’ll see the complete movie as a bonus feature. One small thing that bothered me is a false fact. A character mentions watching a movie about Randy getting killed. But he didn’t get killed in the original “Stab”. Umm, I mean the original “Scream”. (Mel here with a little edit - my interpretation was that the Stab movies had covered all the scream events with there having been 8 because there was a mention of how Judy was a "bit character" and she didn't appear until the 4th film in the Scream franchise).
Now onto our regularly scheduled feature. Opening with the iconic phone call. Does anyone even answer calls from “unknown caller”? I don’t. Hell, half the time I don’t answer it if I do know who they are. There are alot of familiar tones and pacings scattered throughout the movie. Its been 11 years since the last one but they need to keep up appearances even though it may be a double edged sword. Change too much, they don’t like it. Keep it the same, they don’t like it. One thing that hasn’t changed is Woodsboro has the worst hospital staff ever. “Scream 4” and “Scream 5” have patients taking out their own needles and the pulse ox off their fingers and not a nurse in sight. Even when the patient leaves their room, no one in the hall. When my pulse ox wasn’t reading, I had a nurse there in a minute.
Keeping things updated and staying with what we have come to expect from this franchise. We march forward into each jump scare as we are treated with horror references, purposely dropped lines to imply that each character is the killer, and meta laced lines, even in the background. A YouTube video trashing why the choice was made to not call “Stab 8” “Stab 8” and just went with “Stab”! One thing that never changes is the killers always want to frame Sydney for the murders. Haven't they learned that never works?
And a death I've been waiting for "Scream 3". Movies need stakes. Slashers bring back characters to kill them off. Elm Street did it with a few characters. Jamie Lee was killed off in the Halloween series a couple times, and I think its coming again in "Halloween Ends" but thats just a guess. Dewey finally gets it 4 movies after he was originally supposed to die in the original. To quote "Scream 3", "every time this guy enters the room, he ends up a damn shish kabob". Why hasn't he died before this? Gale's been shot a few times, stabbed. Sydney's been mutilated too. Slashers kill off characters. The rule of the slasher genre is supposed to be only the killers can take this kind of beating and not die. I think its about time Dewey got it and it should be Gale and Sydney's turn next.
As a bonus we get to see a little more of the “Stab” movie. Maybe one day, we’ll see the complete movie as a bonus feature. One small thing that bothered me is a false fact. A character mentions watching a movie about Randy getting killed. But he didn’t get killed in the original “Stab”. Umm, I mean the original “Scream”. (Mel here with a little edit - my interpretation was that the Stab movies had covered all the scream events with there having been 8 because there was a mention of how Judy was a "bit character" and she didn't appear until the 4th film in the Scream franchise).
Now streaming free with your Paramount+ Subscription. If you don't have it you can try it free for 7 days! (Click the picture for details. Terms and conditions apply.
My review for Code Name: Mockingbird by Kristen Painter - Originally published in the Aged to Perfection anthology. Get your copy for $0.99 or read free with Kindle Unlimited! (Print and Audio also available)
Blurb About The Book
What does a retired vampire hunter do with the rest of her life?
That’s a question Bess Walker-James is desperately trying to figure out. Having recently been made redundant, she holes up at her family home in Maine to do some serious thinking about what comes next.
Unfortunately, she has no idea.
Until her handsome next-door neighbor shows up. Turns out, Callum McCarthy needs more help than just finding his missing cat. Bess decides to assist him. What else has she got to do? But little does she know he’s a lot more than he seems.
Of course, so is she…
Standalone or series?
Totally a Standalone - with no plans to expand this into a series at the moment.
How did I get this book?
It was originally published in the Aged To Perfection Anthology
Why did I choose to read this book:
Well I had already read it - sooooooooo really it's just a more detailed review as I didn't review individual stories in the original one.
Paranormal Women's Fiction
And Now To The Review!
First Impressions:
New characters, new setting, new storyline, but still very familiar Kristen style writing. Fabulous houses, quirky characters, and a cat!
General Review
I am a little sad, as I am sure many will be, that this is planned as a standalone. If Kristen ever decided to revisit this world there is definitely plenty of scope to do so, although this story definitely works completely without any extras. Personally, I am a big fan of anthology stories that DON'T belong to an already established world because it is virtually impossible to feel that you are getting all nods and messages etc.
These characters are fabulous. I mean come on, who doesn't love an Irish Vampire who has a pet cat? Now before you start thinking this is going to be all cutesy - it's strong PWF! Kickass older heroine with a supernatural plot, a mystery to solve, and of course, amazing descriptions to suck you right in.
Final Thoughts
This fits really nicely into the Paranormal Women's Fiction Worlds out there and if you haven't read any before, this is a great introduction to both the genre, and Kristen Painter's work (if you haven't read any of hers).
5 Stars! And a full Melanie's Muses approval!
Code word for this article is Retired
** Disclosure**
Any Links To Buy On Amazon Is My Amazon Affiliate Link.(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases - Which helps provide for the giveaways!
What does a retired vampire hunter do with the rest of her life?
That’s a question Bess Walker-James is desperately trying to figure out. Having recently been made redundant, she holes up at her family home in Maine to do some serious thinking about what comes next.
Unfortunately, she has no idea.
Until her handsome next-door neighbor shows up. Turns out, Callum McCarthy needs more help than just finding his missing cat. Bess decides to assist him. What else has she got to do? But little does she know he’s a lot more than he seems.
Of course, so is she…
Standalone or series?
Totally a Standalone - with no plans to expand this into a series at the moment.
How did I get this book?
It was originally published in the Aged To Perfection Anthology
Why did I choose to read this book:
Well I had already read it - sooooooooo really it's just a more detailed review as I didn't review individual stories in the original one.
Paranormal Women's Fiction
And Now To The Review!
First Impressions:
New characters, new setting, new storyline, but still very familiar Kristen style writing. Fabulous houses, quirky characters, and a cat!
General Review
I am a little sad, as I am sure many will be, that this is planned as a standalone. If Kristen ever decided to revisit this world there is definitely plenty of scope to do so, although this story definitely works completely without any extras. Personally, I am a big fan of anthology stories that DON'T belong to an already established world because it is virtually impossible to feel that you are getting all nods and messages etc.
These characters are fabulous. I mean come on, who doesn't love an Irish Vampire who has a pet cat? Now before you start thinking this is going to be all cutesy - it's strong PWF! Kickass older heroine with a supernatural plot, a mystery to solve, and of course, amazing descriptions to suck you right in.
Final Thoughts
This fits really nicely into the Paranormal Women's Fiction Worlds out there and if you haven't read any before, this is a great introduction to both the genre, and Kristen Painter's work (if you haven't read any of hers).
5 Stars! And a full Melanie's Muses approval!
Code word for this article is Retired
** Disclosure**
Any Links To Buy On Amazon Is My Amazon Affiliate Link.(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases - Which helps provide for the giveaways!
Jenn - Jennifer Rhodes met Melanie back when True Blood was popular and they have been friends ever since. She loves TV (especially things that make you smile), Doctor Who, Finding new shows, and regularly provides awesome fandom items for Muser Giveaways. Jennifer is now a proud member of the VIPers - the Melanie's Muses Spotlight Feature Team!
Is there really a treasure map on the back of the Declaration of Independence or a buried treasure under the trinity church in New York City? Of course there’s not but this movie just might have you asking those very questions. "National Treasure" and "National Treasure 2" are movies that basically have you going on a treasure hunt through the entire thing, but I’m definitely not complaining I love these movies. I also love history so it’s definitely a win for me. Nicholas Cage isn’t that bad in it either as Benjamin Gates. His family, you could say, is well known for their theory on the founding father, the freemasons and this once in a life time treasure, though it really wasn’t because there is a second movie. The first movie takes Ben and his two friends on a hunt riddled with clues. He ends up stealing the Declaration of Independence because there’s a map on the back of it, now everyone who’s seen this movie always jokingly says hey is there a map on the back of the declaration, there’s not but it’s just something fun. His treasure trail also takes him through Philadelphia, independence hall, the liberty bell and then finally to NYC. What happens when he finds this treasure, well just follow the clues and watch the movie to find out.
Now, the second movie, well it all starts when Ben's family are called traitors during the revolutionary war. Setting out to prove its not true, his journey takes him to the resolute desks both in Buckingham Palace and then to The White House, as well to the so called presidents secret book, then finally to Mount Rushmore and the city of gold that apparently lies beneath. Does it? Well that’s just something you’ll have to find out for yourselves. There was talk of a third National Treasure film, especially with the President asking Ben about help with page 32 in the presidents secret book, what was that all about. Who knows, because the third movie never happened but my guess was maybe Atlantis, well at least we still have these two to enjoy. Now sit back follow the map and enjoy the treasure hunt of a lifetime from your very own living room.
Melanie - Jenn might not be getting her 3rd movie BUT there is a new series in the works based on the movies but with a new heroine. Not many details available yet but you can read about it HERE! Both movies are currently streaming free with your Disney Plus Subscription OR you can rent them pretty much anywhere you rent movies.
Code Word For This Article Is Conspiracy
Code Word For This Article Is Conspiracy
| |
And now for the giveaway .....
Melanie's Muses will be giving away an "National Treasure" Prize Pack featuring the National Treasure & National Treasure Book Of Secrets DVDs & a ring, bracelet, stickers, pen, and a map postcard from the Melanie's Muses Prize Hoard!
For your chance to win- FILL OUT THE FORM and tell us:
Would You Follow A Treasure Map If You Had To Break The Law To Do It?
For your chance to win- FILL OUT THE FORM and tell us:
Would You Follow A Treasure Map If You Had To Break The Law To Do It?
All Links To Buy / Subscribe to Amazon Programs On Amazon in this article are Amazon Affiliate Links (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases which in turns helps support all the Muser giveaways we do!)
- Comments about the article are encouraged - but for now only qualifying entries on the form will go in the hat! What your answer is will not influence whether you go into the hat - Only that you answer the question!
Winner will be announced during the Live show on March 20th (and then posted here on the blog as well on March 21st if the winner isn't at the live.) Full Rules Below!
Good luck everyone!
Rules - Only comments posted on THE FORM will be considered.
- This is open internationally. If you win and you cannot accept mail due to Covid issues we will hold the prize until such time as you can. Some exceptions may apply based on Post Office Regulations. Melanie's Muses takes no responsibility for rules beyond her control. Void Where Prohibited.
- Sharing is always appreciated but is not required for entry.
- Winner Will Be Picked At Random.
- One Entry Per Person / Household
- Prize is provided via Melanie's Muses and will be mailed by her.
- Winner will be announced during the live on Sunday March 20th posted on this post on Monday March 21st Winner will have 48 hours to claim by messaging their address to
- Or prize is considered forfeit. - Failure to claim will result in a no future giveaway entry being counted for 30 days.
We want people to claim their prizes! Don't get on the list! - Any questions please contact Melanie on the Facebook page
All Links To Buy / Subscribe to Amazon Programs On Amazon in this article are Amazon Affiliate Links (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases which in turns helps support all the Muser giveaways we do!)
Welcome to Feature Friday - which used to be "Forgotten Features" but this is really a Win It Wednesday in disguise on a Friday - with Jenn and Dave talking about Batman (to go with the release of The Batman movie this weekend!) Make sure you scroll down for details on how to enter the "Batman " giveaway too, and as always be sure to let us know what you think! |
Jenn - Jennifer Rhodes met Melanie back when True Blood was popular and they have been friends ever since. She loves TV (especially things that make you smile), Doctor Who, Finding new shows, and regularly provides awesome fandom items for Muser Giveaways. Jennifer is now a proud member of the VIPers - the Melanie's Muses Spotlight Feature Team!
DC and Marvel. Everyone has heard of them and this Dark Knight caped crusader is part of the DC universe. Although him and a lot of his movies usually don’t draw me in. Yes, I’m talking about Batman. I can say I’m not that big of a fan. Honestly to me he seems overpowered and overrated, though, I will say that Heath Ledger as the Joker is in no doubt one of the best Jokers of all time. Although I can’t really stand the Joker either, and that just comes from being a huge Harley fan. He never deserved her. Speaking of which, the Batman universe did give life to one of my all time favorite characters Ms Harleen Quinzel, or Harley Quinn as she’s widely known. So I give them props for that.
Now with all that being said the new Batman movie actually looks good, and I didn’t even know if I was on board with Robert Patterson as Batman. I mean-- Edward? Really? But looking at the trailer I was highly surprised and interested as they threw in three famous Batman villains already-- Penguin, Riddler and Catwoman (though she is mostly just looking out for herself, whatever that entails). So I will be checking out this movie, and hopefully I can be persuaded that maybe Batman isn’t so bad after all.
Now with all that being said the new Batman movie actually looks good, and I didn’t even know if I was on board with Robert Patterson as Batman. I mean-- Edward? Really? But looking at the trailer I was highly surprised and interested as they threw in three famous Batman villains already-- Penguin, Riddler and Catwoman (though she is mostly just looking out for herself, whatever that entails). So I will be checking out this movie, and hopefully I can be persuaded that maybe Batman isn’t so bad after all.
Dave - Dave Christy loves horror, music, documentaries and more. He is also the co-runner of several fan based groups including Morningstars (THE Lucifer fan group also run by Melanie), and now is a member of the VIPers Spotlight Lounge team for Melanie's Muses. Other than "In The Spotlight" Features -check out his "31 Days Of Halloween Movies"
Batman. A legend among heroes. Die hard fans will fight you saying Adam West was the first, only, and best Batman. They would be wrong though, factually speaking. There were serials in 1943 and 1949 so he wasn’t the first. And they made several movies so he definitely wasn’t the only. He could be the best if that’s their opinion. You can’t argue with that.
Adam West was probably my introduction to the character through syndication of the 1966 series, followed by animated appearances. We had the pleasure of meeting Adam West and Burt Ward just a couple months before Adam’s death at Dallas Fan Expo complete with an awesome photo op in front of the Batmobile. During signings you can usually get a question in but Burt was actually kind enough to ask me if I had any questions for him before I even had a chance to ask him.
In 1989, those more familiar with the camp of that 1966 series were about to be led down a dark alley with tour guide Tim Burton. Tim’s vision was a bit darker and grittier. His world only lasted for 2 movies before Joel Schumacher took over the helm. His next 2 would round out this Batman series for a while. While he often blamed for killing the franchise, he didn’t write them and he had to answer to the studio. This is why I watch the commentaries. Check out the 4 movie box set for some insight on the studio notes he got on what they wanted. Four movies from 1989 to 1997 could have been a little much but they each represented a different era. All this is explained in the featurettes. Seriously, check them out.
That would be the last time we see the Bat on the big screen until Christopher Nolan resurrected him for a new trilogy starting with 2005’s “Batman Begins”. As much as I loved it, the ending had me questioning their intentions with the next movie. It was hinting that the Joker was a new criminal on the streets and making himself known. SIDE RANT— We already saw Joker in the last series, portrayed excellently by Jack Nicholson. Not to mention the tv series that had Cesar Romero in the role. Movies shouldn’t repeat themselves. Batman has a whole league of villains to choose from. We don’t need another Joker! However, after seeing what Heath Ledger brought to role, WOW! And yet, this wouldn’t even be the last time we see Joker on the silver screen. Jared Leto and Joaquin Phoenix also added their takes. As much as you can call it “their” takes. Everyone debates the best and worst abd Leto is often called the worst and is criticized for how he did it. Newsflash— he had a director telling him what to do! If they didn’t like it, they would have changed it. My unpopular opinion is they each did what the role called for at the time. And neither could have done better in a different incarnation. Nicholson couldn’t pull off Ledger, etc. And we’re not even getting into the voice work in the animated projects. But then again the Batman franchises are all about redoing the most popular villains everyone knows instead of bringing in ones we haven't seen on screen yet. The new one is proving that. We've seen these before. END RANT.
2012’s “The Dark Knight Rises” was the last big screen appearance until now. “The Batman” is coming to screens. Robert Pattinson is taking over the Bat and I was very hesitant when I first heard this casting. I guess we’ll see where this story goes. But so far the trailer has me intrigued. Keep your bat ears peeled for my thoughts on that as soon as I get out to see it.
Adam West was probably my introduction to the character through syndication of the 1966 series, followed by animated appearances. We had the pleasure of meeting Adam West and Burt Ward just a couple months before Adam’s death at Dallas Fan Expo complete with an awesome photo op in front of the Batmobile. During signings you can usually get a question in but Burt was actually kind enough to ask me if I had any questions for him before I even had a chance to ask him.
In 1989, those more familiar with the camp of that 1966 series were about to be led down a dark alley with tour guide Tim Burton. Tim’s vision was a bit darker and grittier. His world only lasted for 2 movies before Joel Schumacher took over the helm. His next 2 would round out this Batman series for a while. While he often blamed for killing the franchise, he didn’t write them and he had to answer to the studio. This is why I watch the commentaries. Check out the 4 movie box set for some insight on the studio notes he got on what they wanted. Four movies from 1989 to 1997 could have been a little much but they each represented a different era. All this is explained in the featurettes. Seriously, check them out.
That would be the last time we see the Bat on the big screen until Christopher Nolan resurrected him for a new trilogy starting with 2005’s “Batman Begins”. As much as I loved it, the ending had me questioning their intentions with the next movie. It was hinting that the Joker was a new criminal on the streets and making himself known. SIDE RANT— We already saw Joker in the last series, portrayed excellently by Jack Nicholson. Not to mention the tv series that had Cesar Romero in the role. Movies shouldn’t repeat themselves. Batman has a whole league of villains to choose from. We don’t need another Joker! However, after seeing what Heath Ledger brought to role, WOW! And yet, this wouldn’t even be the last time we see Joker on the silver screen. Jared Leto and Joaquin Phoenix also added their takes. As much as you can call it “their” takes. Everyone debates the best and worst abd Leto is often called the worst and is criticized for how he did it. Newsflash— he had a director telling him what to do! If they didn’t like it, they would have changed it. My unpopular opinion is they each did what the role called for at the time. And neither could have done better in a different incarnation. Nicholson couldn’t pull off Ledger, etc. And we’re not even getting into the voice work in the animated projects. But then again the Batman franchises are all about redoing the most popular villains everyone knows instead of bringing in ones we haven't seen on screen yet. The new one is proving that. We've seen these before. END RANT.
2012’s “The Dark Knight Rises” was the last big screen appearance until now. “The Batman” is coming to screens. Robert Pattinson is taking over the Bat and I was very hesitant when I first heard this casting. I guess we’ll see where this story goes. But so far the trailer has me intrigued. Keep your bat ears peeled for my thoughts on that as soon as I get out to see it.
Melanie - Hmmmmm Edward as The Batman - we all know Greg is really Batman lol. He tells us ALL the time.
Pineapple word for this article is Villain
Pineapple word for this article is Villain
And now for the giveaway.....
Melanie's Muses will be giving away an "Batman" Prize Pack featuring Day of the Dead Batman Funko, Batman Pen, Black Choker, Justice League Pen/Bookmark set, and Silver and Black Ring from Jennifer and the Melanie's Muses Prize Hoard
For your chance to win- FILL OUT THE FORM and tell us:
Which Batman Villain is your favorite - and which version of the Villain do you like the best?
For your chance to win- FILL OUT THE FORM and tell us:
Which Batman Villain is your favorite - and which version of the Villain do you like the best?
- Comments about the article are encouraged - but for now only qualifying entries on the form will go in the hat! What your answer is will not influence whether you go into the hat - Only that you answer the question!
Winner will be announced during the Live show on March 20th (and then posted here on the blog as well on March 21st if the winner isn't at the live.) Full Rules Below!
Good luck everyone!
Rules - Only comments posted on THE FORM will be considered.
- This is open internationally. If you win and you cannot accept mail due to Covid issues we will hold the prize until such time as you can. Some exceptions may apply based on Post Office Regulations. Melanie's Muses takes no responsibility for rules beyond her control. Void Where Prohibited.
- Sharing is always appreciated but is not required for entry.
- Winner Will Be Picked At Random.
- One Entry Per Person / Household
- Prize is provided via Melanie's Muses and will be mailed by her.
- Winner will be announced during the live on Sunday March 20th posted on this post on Monday March 21st Winner will have 48 hours to claim by messaging their address to
- Or prize is considered forfeit. - Failure to claim will result in a no future giveaway entry being counted for 30 days.
We want people to claim their prizes! Don't get on the list! - Any questions please contact Melanie on the Facebook page
Jenn - Jennifer Rhodes met Melanie back when True Blood was popular and they have been friends ever since. She loves TV (especially things that make you smile), Doctor Who, Finding new shows, and regularly provides awesome fandom items for Muser Giveaways. Jennifer is now a proud member of the VIPers - the Melanie's Muses Spotlight Feature Team!
Detectives, detectives and more detectives but there is no detective as famous or as popular as Sherlock Holmes. He was originally brought to life by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle through books, of course. And though I’ve never read them. I’ve seen plenty of movies and tv shows based on this popular detective, even "Young Sherlock Holmes" which is from 1985, but I actually enjoyed it. It’s interesting to think about what he could of been like younger and this movie shows that along with a young John Watson.
Now that’s not the only Sherlock adaption I loved. "Elementary" was another though this one had a twist with Sherlock living in America. Also, instead of a John Watson we had a Joan Watson, you might be thinking "why?" but this show was a delight and lasted for quite a bit on CBS.
Now that’s not the only Sherlock adaption I loved. "Elementary" was another though this one had a twist with Sherlock living in America. Also, instead of a John Watson we had a Joan Watson, you might be thinking "why?" but this show was a delight and lasted for quite a bit on CBS.
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Now, what would this article be without the mention of my favorite version-- BBC's "Sherlock", the one with Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock and the one that always took forever to air, but that’s ok because it was always worth it. Now there’s also a bunch of movies as well like the ones with Robert Downey Jr as Sherlock, and Netflix even has a movie about Enola Holmes. It's not Sherlock but still his sister and a wonderful movie to watch. With so many options to choose from reading or watching this mystery of a man definitely shouldn’t be hard.
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Dave - Dave Christy loves horror, music, documentaries and more. He is also the co-runner of several fan based groups including Morningstars (THE Lucifer fan group also run by Melanie), and now is a member of the VIPers Spotlight Lounge team for Melanie's Muses. Other than "In The Spotlight" Features -check out his "31 Days Of Halloween Movies"
When we write these articles, we often go back to some classic stories and movies. Alot of it ends up being about the 80's. This one also goes back to the 80's. Ummm, 1880's. 1887 to be exact. The year the first Sherlock Holmes story went to print. Over the next 130 years or so, it has been adapted many times and we will be looking at some of those here. Even when its not adapted, it influences characters. When I first watched "Forever", Henry's keen eye for detail immediately made me think of Sherlock.
2018 brought us the Japanese adaptation "Miss Sherlock". I found this gem on one of the HBO streaming platforms that eventually got consumed by the HBO Max headline. Of course, since I was familiar with the Sherlock name, it grabbed my interest and lured me in enough to look up a trailer. It only has an 8 episode first season but it was absolutely fantastic. A few notes. 1) To state the obvious-- its in Japanese so there are subtitles. Except one brief part, maybe in episode 3 or 4 when she makes a video call and speaks English. Anyway, no multitasking while watching this show (unless of course, you are fluent in Japanese). You will easily lose track of whats going on. 2) yes, its a spin on the classic with a female Sherlock. Well, kinda. There is a line in the first episode. "Why do they call her Sherlock?". They never get around to answering it though. I thought maybe they would in the season finale but it never happened. Unless its just meant to be a reference to her keen eye for detail. Also, in another twist there is a female Watson (called Wato here). Which has, of course, been done a couple times before ("Elementary", and the 1987 made for TV movie "The Return of Sherlock Holmes"). I was eagerly awaiting a 2nd season when I found this series in 2019, thinking it had to be coming soon. Now I have little hope, especially since the actress that played Miss Sherlock has died in 2020. The only way they'd go on is if they recast her. She fit the role so perfectly. It would be pretty big shoes to fill.
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The 1987 "Return of Sherlock Holmes" tv movie had an interesting storyline. One of the few that took Sherlock to the present day. Well, of course present day for this feature was 1987. A female decendant of John Watson wakes up a cryogenically frozen Sherlock after 80 years. Its an ok movie. Not a masterpiece by any stretch but interesting to say the least with a few good gags trying to explain some of the technological advances since he was last awake.
Melanie -
It is probably no surprise, with my love of mysteries, that I love Sherlock Holmes. As so many of the versions have already been mentioned I will just say that my favorite above is definitely the RDJ movies, although I wish they had gone a little further with the slowing down recaps of how Sherlock puts it all together.
There is one other version, that is my all time favorite, but before that I wanted to just acknowledge how often Sherlock Holmes is referenced in other shows. Sometimes it is subtle, and in other cases it is even a plot point. I give to you, the 11th Doctor pretending to be Sherlock, and then another pretender of a different kind in Murdoch Mysteries. This was a fascinating tale of someone creating, and then living, as the Sherlock Holmes character. So well done, and one of the many reasons I love the show.
There is one other version, that is my all time favorite, but before that I wanted to just acknowledge how often Sherlock Holmes is referenced in other shows. Sometimes it is subtle, and in other cases it is even a plot point. I give to you, the 11th Doctor pretending to be Sherlock, and then another pretender of a different kind in Murdoch Mysteries. This was a fascinating tale of someone creating, and then living, as the Sherlock Holmes character. So well done, and one of the many reasons I love the show.
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Finally, as Dave mentioned above, we often end up going back to the 80's with these articles and that is where I am going to leave you. With my favorite incarnation, played by Jeremy Brett. To me he will always be the best Sherlock. Perhaps it's because he is my first memory of Sherlock, but if you want to see the books come to life I highly recommend checking this version out.
Did you make it to the end? Congratulations!
The Pineapple Word for this article is Elementary
And now for the giveaway .....
The Pineapple Word for this article is Elementary
And now for the giveaway .....
Melanie's Muses will be giving away an "Sherlock" Prize Pack featuring the Young Sherlock Holmes DVD & The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes book sent in by Jenn, and then 2 books from the Melanie's Muses Prize Hoard!
For your chance to win- FILL OUT THE FORM and tell us:
Which version of the Sherlock is your favorite?
For your chance to win- FILL OUT THE FORM and tell us:
Which version of the Sherlock is your favorite?
- Comments about the article are encouraged - but for now only qualifying entries on the form will go in the hat! What your answer is will not influence whether you go into the hat - Only that you answer the question!
Winner will be announced during the Live show on March 20th (and then posted here on the blog as well on March 21st if the winner isn't at the live.) Full Rules Below!
Good luck everyone!
Rules - Only comments posted on THE FORM will be considered.
- This is open internationally. If you win and you cannot accept mail due to Covid issues we will hold the prize until such time as you can. Some exceptions may apply based on Post Office Regulations. Melanie's Muses takes no responsibility for rules beyond her control. Void Where Prohibited.
- Sharing is always appreciated but is not required for entry.
- Winner Will Be Picked At Random.
- One Entry Per Person / Household
- Prize is provided via Melanie's Muses and will be mailed by her.
- Winner will be announced during the live on Sunday March 20th posted on this post on Monday March 21st Winner will have 48 hours to claim by messaging their address to
- Or prize is considered forfeit. - Failure to claim will result in a no future giveaway entry being counted for 30 days.
We want people to claim their prizes! Don't get on the list! - Any questions please contact Melanie on the Facebook page
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