Melanie's Muses
Melanie - Founder of Melanie's Muses - You should know who I am lol If not click - All about Melanie!"Dear Diary ...... Heather says she teaches people real life ‘real life.’ She said, "real life sucks losers dry. You want to f*@# with the eagles, you have to learn to fly." Not your typical High School movie introduction, but then this is anything other than a typical High School movie. If you've never seen Heathers (SUSAN - looking directly at you - even though I reference it so much you used them in Sanguine Crown), then you really need to. Releasing in 1988, I actually wrote a blog about the movie in 2012 and how many of the messages were still relevant then, (If you are really bored you can read that HERE - stuff on the internet REALLY is forever), and honestly are still relevant today. Heathers takes your typical school bullying scenario but ups the stakes dramatically with a murder spree being made to look like teen suicides. One of the darker comedies out there, this movie has remained a favorite for over 30 years, and I still watch it regularly. I have, at this point, finally gotten over my absolute HATE for Wynona Ryder that I harbored as a teen that refused to recognize that she was only playing a part, (that took MANY years), but the many memorably lines from the movie will probably be quoted forever. Dark satire is one of my favorite genres, and as with anything I obsess over, I have watched a lot of commentaries, behind the scenes extras etc etc, and if anyone watches and wants to know what the ORIGINAL end was meant to be, just ask. For completely selfish and slightly psychotic reasons, I would have liked to have seen a realized version of it offered as an alternate ending, but in the real world the way they went probably was for the best. Heathers went through a little mini resurgence a few years back with it being turned into a Musical (which actually has a decent soundtrack - thanks to Emily for introducing me to that), but the casting will never match the powerhouse presence that the screen enigmas brought to it. (As a recording of the stage musical is available on Roku to watch I have included a link to that trailer too). So, let me know what you think. I am sure many of you will have seen it already but for those that haven't, you really should! The Pineapple Code Word For This Article Is Very
And Now For The GiveawayMelanie's Muses will be giving away a Heathers Prize pack with the DVD and a Diary (OK It's a Supernatural journal - I had to improvise) from Jenn, and a big Red Bow (because I didn't have a scrunchie) and a pen from the Melanie's Muses prize hoard. For your chance to win- FILL OUT THE FORM and tell us: What is your favorite High School Movie? Comments about the article are encouraged - but for now only qualifying entries on the form will go in the bag! What your answer is will not influence whether you go into the hat - Only that you answer the question!
Winner will be announced during the Live show on February 25th and then posted on the page as well on February 26th if the winner isn't at the live.) Full Rules Below! Good luck everyone! Rules Only comments posted on THE FORM will be considered. This is open internationally. If you win and you cannot accept mail due to Covid issues we will hold the prize until such time as you can. Some exceptions may apply based on Post Office Regulations. Melanie's Muses takes no responsibility for rules beyond her control. Void Where Prohibited. Sharing is always appreciated but is not required for entry. Winner Will Be Picked At Random. One Entry Per Person / Household Prize is provided via Melanie's Muses and will be mailed by her. Winner will be announced during the live on February 25th and posted on the Facebook page on Monday February 26th if they aren't at the live. Winner will have 48 hours to claim by messaging their address to - Or prize is considered forfeit. Failure to claim will result in a no future giveaway entry being counted for 30 days. We want people to claim their prizes! Don't get on the list! Any questions please contact Melanie on the Facebook page ***Disclaimer - Any Links To Buy and/or Subscribe to Amazon Programs On Amazon on this website are Amazon Affiliate Links Melanie's Muses is part of the Amazon Associate program and earns from qualifying purchases which in turns helps support all the Muser giveaways we do!*** |
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