Melanie's Muses
Melanie - Founder of Melanie's Muses - You should know who I am lol If not click - All about Melanie!Firefly - unless you have been living under a rock since 2002 I imagine you are at least vaguely aware that it exists. If nothing else you will see it consistently posted on "Shows Cancelled Too Soon" lists. Firefly was the brainchild of Joss Whedon, and yes as annoying as he can be, this was actually brilliant. So many things went wrong along the way with the network decisions, it is my firm belief that Fox intended this to be cancelled from day 1, for whatever reason. They aired the episodes out of order (which they actually did with another cancelled too soon show - Almost Human - that made the story almost impossible to follow due to the screwed up character development with episodes all over the place), and they only ever aired 11 of the 14 stopping it when they cancelled it. (The full 14 aired in the UK but I am not sure if they aired in the right order). As an example of how insane this was - Fox aired the PILOT as the final episode. I mean seriously - if that wasn't a point that they never planned to keep it I don't know what is. The show was packed with famous people but probably best known now for Nathan Fillian's role as Captain Mal Reynolds. For those that watch Castle there were several references to his "Space Cowboy" role throughout most notably when he went as that character for a Halloween episode. Other people that had smaller roles include the likes of Mark Shepard (who honestly has pretty much had a role in ALL the great sci fi shows - and yes, if you watch the trailer below I picked that version because he is in it), and even a very young Zac Effron. Summer Glau was spotted in an episode of Angel (also by Joss Whedon) and was then cast in this, and is another face I am sure you would recognize. Following it's cancellation Fans (we call ourselves Browncoats) took to campaigning for it to be picked up again and shockingly, against all odds, they did get a brief reprise for a movie that actually aired in movie theaters. This may or may not have been the best plan as it definitely did not hit the great numbers they were hoping for, something I think may have been better as a made for TV option. That being said it was a very expensive production - that I like to pretend doesn't exist other than for mentions in articles like this when I am talking about it. I NEVER rewatch it (although I do own the DVD), and if I get my way I probably never will. Instead I will sit and pretend that it ended with Episode 14 - the original final episode planned but never aired by Fox. Hey at least they are on the DVDs! To finish here are a few fun facts (well that amuse me). There is a lot of swearing in the show but the censors never caught it because it is all in Chinese. Something I don't think they would get away with today. As the idea was this was set in a future where the US and China were the world Alliance it makes sense. The ship the Serenity inside was actually built to scale and used. In the Serenity sequel you can actually see a continuous shot - it is pretty impressive. The cast became close and often guest appear in other shows together (although the best ones are where they make Firefly references obviously). They also used to hang out on the lounge set of the ship between takes rather than going to the Green room or their trailers. The theme song (which I have included as an extra video) was actually written by Joss Whedon and on some of the DVD extras you can hear a recording of it done by him as he had finished the song before the show was greenlit. And finally, there are LOTS of references to other huge Sci Fi shows and movies of the time that pop up during the show. I won't list all the ones I know but if you do decide to watch - keep your eyes open. The Pineapple Code Word For This Article Is Browncoat
And Now For The Giveaway Melanie's Muses will be giving away the complete Firefly Series DVDs from Jenn, and a Hardback copy of the book Seveneves the Melanie's Muses Prize hoard. For your chance to win- FILL OUT THE FORM and tell us: Did you watch Firefly? If so did you like it? If not do you think you would like it? Comments about the article are encouraged - but for now only qualifying entries on the form will go in the bag! What your answer is will not influence whether you go into the hat - Only that you answer the question!
Winner will be announced during the Live show on November 19th and then posted on the page as well on November 20th if the winner isn't at the live.) Full Rules Below! Good luck everyone! Rules Only comments posted on THE FORM will be considered. This is open internationally. If you win and you cannot accept mail due to Covid issues we will hold the prize until such time as you can. Some exceptions may apply based on Post Office Regulations. Melanie's Muses takes no responsibility for rules beyond her control. Void Where Prohibited. Sharing is always appreciated but is not required for entry. Winner Will Be Picked At Random. One Entry Per Person / Household Prize is provided via Melanie's Muses and will be mailed by her. Winner will be announced during the live on November 19th and posted on the Facebook page on Monday November 20th if they aren't at the live. Winner will have 48 hours to claim by messaging their address to - Or prize is considered forfeit. Failure to claim will result in a no future giveaway entry being counted for 30 days. We want people to claim their prizes! Don't get on the list! Any questions please contact Melanie on the Facebook page ***Disclaimer - Any Links To Buy and/or Subscribe to Amazon Programs On Amazon on this website are Amazon Affiliate Links Melanie's Muses is part of the Amazon Associate program and earns from qualifying purchases which in turns helps support all the Muser giveaways we do!*** |
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