Melanie's Muses
When I look back at Xena, I can’t believe it’s been twenty five years since it first aired, time does fly! Don’t believe me? Well I’m about to explain why you should check it out if you’ve never watched before.
Xena gave women a character that they could look up to, one that never needed a man to come save her, but instead saved herself along with others. A character that made you believe that no matter what, you could make a difference, if you just fought for what you believed in. I’m not saying she’s perfect, because of course she’s not. She struggled with things, but along with her friend and traveling companion Gabrielle, she always seemed too find a way.
Xena and Gabrielle also showcased that women could be more than just friends, something that today wouldn’t be so unusual, but back then it was huge! I am sure it gave women who might of been afraid to come out, the courage to do so, and the knowledge they were not alone. I was younger when it aired and I never really put them together, but trust me you definitely saw their love for each other, and watching it now the subtle way they portray it on screen carries a huge message.
This wasn’t just a show you watched and then forgot about later, but one you replayed in your head later or maybe you just kept it on rewatch. I know I always did. Seasons 1 – 6 have recently been uploaded to the NBCU library so are available online via SyFy.Com (which you do need a cable subscription for – or the episodes / seasons are available to buy separately).
One episode in particular stays with me whenever I think about what Gabriel and Xena shared. Soul Possession (Season 6 Episode 20 so it is near the end). It takes place right after Xena thought she had lost Gabrielle but then finds out she’s not dead. Xena will do whatever it takes to get her back, (spoiler alert), even almost marrying Aries, God of War. The one person she hates more than anyone else, a hate we as fans got to see grow throughout the seasons. In this episode you get to see a more human side of Xena, feelings that we could relate to, how she struggles with the thought of going on without Gabrielle, but in the end she sees the truth, that being without her would be impossible, something so many of us can still relate to.
I could go on and on with reasons why Xena will always hold a special place in my heart but I’ll stop with just one more thought. Good shows leave us with memories and there’s nothing wrong with that, but great shows leave us always wanting more and even though it’s been twenty five years that’s exactly what Xena has done. Left fans wanting more!
** Disclosure**
Any Links To Buy On Amazon in this page may be Amazon Affiliate Links (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases which in turns helps support all the Muser giveaways we do) Jennifer Rhodes Cleere met Melanie back when True Blood was popular and they have been friends ever since. She loves TV (especially things that make you smile), Doctor Who, Finding new shows, and regularly provides awesome fandom items for Muser Giveaways. This is her first guest article for Melanie's Muses but we hope there are many more to come! And Now Your Chance To Win A Xena Funko Pop!
Melanie's Muses will be giving away a Xena Warrior Princess Funko Pop sent in by Jennifer Rhodes Cleere to go with her article! For your chance to win- leave a comment ON THIS POST ON THE WEBSITE (comments left on shares around other social media WILL NOT COUNT) - Telling us if you watched Xena! The winner will be picked randomly from qualifying comments. Winner will be announced during the Live show on October 4th (and then posted here on the blog as well on the 5th). Full Rules Below! Good luck everyone! Rules