Melanie's Muses
Welcome to "Feature Friday". Each week one (or more) of the VIPers will share a feature about something Pop Culture related. Might be a movie, might be a TV show, might be a combo, or might be something totally different. Check in every week to see what's up!
Today's feature is a joint adventure from Jenn and Dave (with a small shout out to me (Melanie)) about Ready Player One - and our crazy friendship! Be sure to let us know in the comments what you think! Jennifer Says -
If you’re looking for an action, comedy and heartfelt movie all in one, then look no further than Ready Player One. I was late watching this movie because honestly, I didn’t get what it was about at first but when I watched it I couldn’t stop. It’s easily one of the best movies I’ve ever seen, with one of the best pairings in Artemis and Parzival. You’ll love them from the beginning!
This movie also shows through the power of friendship and loyalty you can accomplish anything. Parzival is our main character and the one who leads us on our journey through the world that is the Oasis. The Oasis is a virtual world that seems wonderful and people lose themselves in it.
By the end of the movie you realize that no matter how bad the real world can get, it’s the only thing that’s ACTUALLY real. So get away from your games, social media accounts, TV, and maybe every now and then just step outside and enjoy the fresh air.
Jennifer Rhodes Cleere met Melanie back when True Blood was popular and they have been friends ever since. She loves TV (especially things that make you smile), Doctor Who, Finding new shows, and regularly provides awesome fandom items for Muser Giveaways. Jennifer is now a proud member of the VIPers - the Melanie's Muses Spotlight Feature Team!
Dave Says -
For many of us, entertainment such as movies and video games are an escape. Ready Player One is no exception. Through VR, we enter a different reality called The Oasis, created by the late James Halliday. Halliday placed easter eggs and clues in the Oasis leading to a prize. Our lead character Parzival is the first to actually make any progress and quickly teams up with Artemis and others.
Like Jenn, I was hesitant about it at first but gave it a shot and rented it from Netflix. I fell in love with it instantly! I went out the day and bought the Blu- ray loaded with bonus features including a full-length documentary on the making of this masterpiece! I was in geek heaven! JOYGASM! With all the complexities of the story, and special effects, and creating The Oasis, this is one movie well worth looking into. And for 80's fan, it chock full of 80's easter eggs and references interlaced in the Oasis. So keep a look out for characters and items passing through the background.
The best and most important lesson learned from this tale is even in the internet and VR, you can find true friendship and similar souls For some of us, we don't interact much with people in our own world. But for me, Jenn, and Mels, we may be miles apart but we're in constant conversation. Some days it’s all we need to make to through the day. We wouldn’t be able to do any of this without each other.
Dave Christy loves horror, music, documentaries and more. He is also the co-runner of several fan based groups including Morningstars (THE Lucifer fan group also run by Melanie), and now is a member of the VIPers Spotlight Lounge team for Melanie's Muses. Other than "In The Spotlight" Features -check out his "31 Days Of Halloween Movies"
“This is not what you think it is, it’s worse.”
If you can take one positive thing about 2020, and let’s face it, there’s not much, music has been utterly brilliant; creativity has not been a victim of Covid. Nothing but Thieves third album came just at the right time, when the world is suffocating under Lockdown’s, harsh restrictions and social isolation. The aptly titled, Moral Panic, brings the listener through a Euphony of emotions, the upbeat melodies in contrast to the meaning or perhaps my understanding of the lyrics.
I remember traveling to the UK, to a tiny venue in Liverpool to see the band. I was giddy with excitement, half expecting that the lead singer, Conor Mason, would not sound as he did on the albums I had played over and over again. In a word of autotuned singers that has ruined music, I always fear that the rawness I adored in a singer’s voice would be diluted. I closed my eyes when the band took to the stage and breathed a sigh of relief, as the melody played and Conor sang the first line of the opening number. The hairs on my arms and the back of my neck stood to attention. Conor has this powerful angelic sounding voice, that can go from soft and seductive to rock god in just a few bars.
Moral Panic is a current, relatable album, full of heavy rifts and angelic vocals, and thought provoking lyrics. When the world returns to normal, anthems like Unperson and Can you afford to be an Individual? will join songs like Itch, Ban all the Music, Amsterdam, I’m not made by Design, I was just a kid, and Graveyard Whistling as crowd pleasures where we get to dance our hearts out in live venues again.
And there is something so appealing when a mild-mannered singer, with such a powerful voice utters a curse in a song that makes me smile.
If you’ve listened to any of my writing playlists, Nothing but Thieves are in there a lot. If not, then I advise you to go back to the very start, to the Graveyard Whistling EP. Or any Vikings and Cover fans out there, check out this spin tingling cover used for Season 2 of Vikings, Holding out for a Hero.
This is one of those movies that people either like or they probably haven't seen it. Beetle Juice is one of those cult classics that at first glance it might not be clear why it holds such appeal, but once you watch it you’ll wonder what took you so long!
When I first saw Beetle Juice I actually watched it again right afterwards to understand it fully, and got so much more out of it the second time through. Now when it comes on I never miss it. There has been a lot of talk about a sequel to this movie as well, but I really hope they don’t. Leave it a one hit wonder, the way it was meant to be.
This movie starts off with a couple that end up dying, and then a new family moves into the dead couple’s home – but they are still there. With the title Beetle Juice you would expect him to be the stand out character, but he’s not! The real stand out character for me has to would be Lydia - you’ll understand why I say it’s her when you watch the movie.
The original dead couple still remain in the house and want to get rid of the new family, but find they are not able to do it alone. They enlist the help of Beetle Juice by saying his name three times. This is when all the chaos happens and you need to make sure you are paying attention. So much happens in such a short amount of time that many of the little details you don’t catch until the rewatch.
I’ll stop here though, because if you haven’t seen this movie you really need to experience the journey for yourself. Hopefully like me after you see it, or rewatch it if it’s already a favorite – you’ll be able to see why I love it so much.
Thanks Jenn That was Fabulous! I'm going to jump in because I recently came across this "things you didn't know" video and found it pretty interesting!
**Video from Cinefix on YouTube - No ownership by Melanie's Muses implied **
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(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases which in turns helps support all the Muser giveaways we do) Jennifer Rhodes Cleere met Melanie back when True Blood was popular and they have been friends ever since. She loves TV (especially things that make you smile), Doctor Who, Finding new shows, and regularly provides awesome fandom items for Muser Giveaways. Jennifer is now a proud member of the VIPers - the Melanie's Muses Spotlight Feature Team! And Now Your Chance To Win A Beetlejuice Prize Pack!
Melanie's Muses will be giving away a BeetleJuice Prize pack with a Beetlejuice DVD sent in Ali Foy, A Handbook For The Recently Deceased Notebook sent in by Jennifer Rhodes Cleere ,Skelton Earings sent in by Vicky Pond, and random things from the Melanie's Muses Prize Collection! For your chance to win- leave a comment ON THIS POST ON THE WEBSITE (comments left on shares around other social media WILL NOT COUNT) - Telling Us If You Believe In Ghosts! (Feel free to share any personal experiences - this is a judgment free zone) The winner will be picked randomly from qualifying comments. Winner will be announced during the Live show on November 8th (and then posted here on the blog as well on the 9th). Full Rules Below! Good luck everyone! Rules
"Did you hear the one about the heavy metal band that wanted to play with an orchestra?" James Hetfield joked to the crowd back in 1999 when Metallica was playing their first concert with the San Francisco orchestra. A few other bands have done it since then, but Metallica married the sound on their "S&M" recording.
***Melanie's Muses Does Not Own The RIghts To Any VIdeos Shown Here - Videos Shared From YouTube***
20 years has passed since that fateful concert, so the band decided it was time to give it another whirl. In September 2019, they did it again and just released the concert on CD, DVD, and Blu-ray.
Opening with Ecstasy of Gold, and going the classic instrumental The Call of Ktulu. Watching the orchestra perform is mesmerizing. You expect the band to be in full performance mode, but since it’s not the symphony's usual music, you aren’t sure what to expect. Some of them are stoic, but you can tell who is actually into it and having a ball, with a huge on their faces, just rocking out.
With 3 albums of material since the last S&M album, they had enough newer songs to change up the setlist from last time. A few new additions are Moth into the Flame, Confusion, The Unforgiven III, and The Day That Never Comes. One surprising inclusion is (Anaesthesia)- Pulling Teeth. It was a bass solo (with drums kicking in late) on their debut album "Kill em All" by the late, great Cliff Burton. It was performed at this concert as a cello solo. My first thought "this is an odd inclusion". My second thought was "what is this going to sound like?" I was actually pleasantly surprised. It must have taken a lot of guts and practice but this guy killed it.
***Melanie's Muses Does Not Own The RIghts To Any VIdeos Shown Here - Videos Shared From YouTube***
The end result is nearly 2.5 hours of music, spanning almost 40 years. The only thing I can think of that they should have had differently is play 2 full concerts of different material on the 2 nights and then release them both so we could have 5 hours with the symphony! But then again, if you weren’t there for both shows, you would be probably be bummed that you didn’t hear your favorite songs, only to find out it was played at the other show!
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(As an Amazon Associate Melanie's Muses earsn from qualifying purchases which in turns helps support all the Muser giveaways we do) Dave Christy loves horror, music, documentaries and more. He is also the co-runner of several fan based groups including Morningstars (THE Lucifer fan group also run by Melanie), and now is a member of the VIPers Spotlight Lounge team for Melanie's Muses. Other than "In The Spotlight" Features -check out his "31 Days Of Halloween Movies" The Rocky Horror Picture Show In The Spotlight - A Feature By Dave Christy- PLUS Giveaway!10/21/2020
LET'S DO THE TIME WARP AGAIN! Its been 45 years since Rocky Horror Picture Show was made in 1975. Its definitely a cult classic and well worth every bit of attention it gets. It actually took me a long time to see it. As hard is it is to imagine nowadays, for a while, it was never released for home viewing. It only had midnight showings. Even video store rentals, what most people don’t realize is that when these stores bought VHS tapes to rent out, they were $70-80 each, not the $20 sell-through copies that only the popular movies got. I know. I used to work in a video store. Then maybe a year or so later, you could buy a $20 copy. Nowadays, it hits BluRay and DVD a mere 3 months after a theatrical release. Even when Rocky Horror did eventually hit its first VHS release in November 1990, it was a priced a little higher at $90 AND you needed a valid credit card on your account to even rent it for security purposes.
During its original theatrical run, it was not doing well. Its only drew small crowds. Not until May 1976 when New York started having midnight showings did it start gaining the momentum and recognition it has today. Audience participation is a key part of these midnight showings, including yelling at the screen and throwing rice at the wedding scene. I'd hate to work the theater for these things.
**Melanie jumping in here to say LIVE shows with a shadow cast are the best! The only time when yelling back at everyone is not only allowed - it is encouraged! I have to wonder though if we will have that again now with all the Covid stuff. 'Sad Face' **
I could go into the story but it’s a classic. This is more about the legacy and how I discovered it. But I will include more personal experiences. Dallas Fan Expo 2017. Jenn and I had the chance to meet some of the cast. Barry Bostwick was amazing. He was just roaming the floor without security or anyone around him, free as could be. When I saw him approaching his table, I knew I wanted to meet him he just kindly said hi, asked for a few minutes so they could set up everything up and was so great. Patricia Quinn was great also. Lining up for the photo, she manhandled me, moving to the side so she could be next to Jenn, which is ok with me! She can do anything she wants to with me! And then there was the photo op with the legend that is Tim Curry. This was shortly after his stroke so he wasn't in the best shape but it was an absolute honor to meet him. The meeting was brief like all photo ops but we got to tell him how much we loved him and he appreciated it. Meatloaf and Little Nell were also there but as were a lot of others we wanted to meet so we didn't get to see them. If we had more time and money, we would have. We had to draw the line somewhere
So, put on your fishnets, and top hat and enjoy the late night, double feature picture show.
Thanks Dave! That was Fabulous! I'm going to jump in and throw my OLLLLLDDDDD video from VampireLovingDork days up - just because I LOVE RHPS - and long time followers of the page will know that we have had some of the local Hoopla Shadow Cast on our page too! **Please Note That The VampireLovingDork Channel Is No Longer Active **
Any Links To Buy On Amazon in this page may be Amazon Affiliate Links
(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases which in turns helps support all the Muser giveaways we do) Dave Christy loves horror, music, documentaries and more. He is also the co-runner of several fan based groups including Morningstars (THE Lucifer fan group also run by Melanie), and now is a member of the VIPers Spotlight Lounge team for Melanie's Muses. Other than "In The Spotlight" Features -check out his "31 Days Of Halloween Movies" And Now Your Chance To Win A RHPS Prize Pack!
Melanie's Muses will be giving away a RHPS Prize pack with a RHPS DVD sent in by Jennifer Rhodes Cleere , A Devil Dress Up Kit from Ali Foy, A Spider Web Face Sticker kit sent in by Vicky Pond, and random things from the Melanie's Muses Prize Collection! For your chance to win- leave a comment ON THIS POST ON THE WEBSITE (comments left on shares around other social media WILL NOT COUNT) - Telling Us If You Have Ever Been To A Midnight Showing (With or without shadow cast) The winner will be picked randomly from qualifying comments. Winner will be announced during the Live show on November 1st (and then posted here on the blog as well on the 2nd). Full Rules Below! Good luck everyone! Rules
Welcome to Book Review with Mel and Sue! In posts like this Melanie (From Melanie's Muses - just in case there was any doubt) and author Susan Harris will both read the same book and then post their thoughts.
Basic Info
(Be sure to scroll to the end for link to a giveaway!) Standalone or series? Melanie - Book 1 in a new series Susan - Book 1 in a new series How did we get this book? After much debate and not agreeing on anything this popped up as an offer from the author and we both received complementary copies for review. Why did we choose to read this book: Literally there wasn't another book we were able to agree on! And Now To The Review! First Impressions: Melanie - There are a LOT of characters - like seriously a lot. The book actually has a glossary of characters and a map before the main story starts so that lets you know it is going to be that way before you start. This is one of the few where I think having a paperback for easy flicking back for reference might be good. Susan - I agree with Melanie- this book was busy. I loved the map and the reference to all the characters at the beginning, which gave a realistic expectation of what was to come. And just like Mel, having a paperback to go back and forth with would have made it a better experience. General Review Melanie - The story is really well written and obviously the author knows her craft. Epic fantasy books have never really been high on my list and honestly this one really only made the cut because Susan and I could actually agree to read it. I haven't read anything else by Sarah but I get the feeling that Epic Fantasy is definitely where she feels at home, and her fans probably will too. There is a LOT of information at the beginning and you really have to pay attention. As with most Epic Fantasy books it does start to link together towards the end of the book and I imagine as the series progresses that it will all make sense. Susan - The world building in this book is first class and I could imagine it on a TV screen. I like fantasy novels, but find myself drawn to character driven series where I can find characters or side characters to root for and at times, for me, the complex number of characters drew me away from the world itself. That's more of a personal preference than a complaint, because this book is captivating and immerses you into the world. Melanie - Agreed! I think it would be great on TV. Final Thoughts Melanie - If you like Epic Fantasy (think Game of Thrones - and not even just the TV Series Game Of Thrones - I am talking George RR Martin book level fantasy), then this is definitely a book for you. Susan - Game of Thrones, meets The Selection, if the Selection was a little bit more twisted, makes The Kingless Crown a must read for lovers of Epic Fantasy. Rating: Melanie – A Solid 4 stars. This is a great example of the genre. Susan - 4 stars for exceptional world building and attention to detail. Be sure to let us know in the comments below if you liked our "double take" on the same book and if you have a book you would like us to read just let us know! BE SURE TO CLICK HERE AND HEAD OVER TO YESTERDAY'S RELEASE DAY POST FOR A GIVEAWAY!
When you think of a Halloween cult classic, I would be surprised if you didn't think of this movie. Hocus pocus is a fun movie for all ages. Young old, just ask anyone if they’ve seen this movie, and if they have then they usually like it. Of course I’ve met a few that didn’t, but hey people can be wrong lol.
Hocus pocus is one of those Halloween movies that leaves you wondering about what could happen next. There have been rumors for years about a possible sequel, and yes if that happened, I’d definitely watch it but then again you also don’t want a sequel because what if it ruined the epicness of the first movie?
***Melanie Jumping in here with a sequel update - It is said to be going ahead and releasing on Disney+ but with no fixed date. There is a recent article about it on Digital Spy with the most accurate details I have seen which you can read here ..... OK Back to Jenn.....***
So the original Hocus Pocus is about three witch sisters, and you’re probably thinking really? Been done before...... But you would be WRONG! There is nothing else like Hocus Pocus out there. These witches are not good by any means. They kidnap and kill children for their youth but end up being stopped by a boy who loses his sister to them. Flash forward to the present day, and that’s really where the story begins.
And of course I couldn't write about Hocus Pocus without talking about one particular song. Once you hear "I Put A Spell On You" in this movie I would bet it will be an instant favorite of yours, trust me!
If you haven’t seen Hocus Pocus, then what are you waiting for? It's not your average run of the mill witch story, but something much more exciting and fun! Just ask ANY fan!
Jennifer Rhodes Cleere met Melanie back when True Blood was popular and they have been friends ever since. She loves TV (especially things that make you smile), Doctor Who, Finding new shows, and regularly provides awesome fandom items for Muser Giveaways. This is her third guest article for Melanie's Muses nd we hope there are many more to come!
And Now Your Chance To Win A Hocus Pocus Prize Pack!
Melanie's Muses will be giving away a Hocus Pocus Prize pack with a Hocus Pocus Notebook sent in by Jennifer Rhodes Cleere to go with her article, A Sarah Sanderson Pop sent in by Shannon Watts, Bag and Witches Hat Headband sent in by Ali Foy, and random things from the Melanie's Muses Prize Collection including Swag from Susan Harris! For your chance to win- leave a comment ON THIS POST ON THE WEBSITE (comments left on shares around other social media WILL NOT COUNT) - Telling Us Who Your Favorite Witch Is and why! (Can be any witch from anywhere.) The winner will be picked randomly from qualifying comments. Winner will be announced during the Live show on October 18th (and then posted here on the blog as well on the 19th). Full Rules Below! Good luck everyone! Rules
This very sentiment is tattooed on my skin, as a reminder of a time when I could not find my voice to explain what was going on in my head, but music could.
For someone so good at weaving words at her command and shaping them into such emotive sentences, I found myself unable to articulate my own feelings, and that was where music came to my rescue. My experience with workplace bullying lead to a serious of mental health diagnosis that make complete sense now, as someone who has adjusted and works to live daily with her illness, but back then, due to this overwhelming sense of failure which is still a major aspect of my anxiety, I felt floored. I had lost the battle with my mind, was shell of the girl who loved life, didn't care about the thoughts of other. I lost friends, and pushed others away because I was safer that way. My anxiety lead to depression and OCD, and surprisingly, a PTSD diagnosis that left me wondering if I could add that to my list of various "Defects" because I was not some battle hardy soldier who had witness death and destruction. I was just a young woman who was bullied and her mind began to tell her it was her fault.
When asked to speak about my love for music, I tend to ramble on for a bit, so please be patient with me!
Foo Fighters
I am a firm believer of the church of Dave Grohl and I worship at his altar. I think when I first started listening to the Foo Fighters, it was because of Dave Grohl and his backstory with Nirvana. He went from shy drummer to lead singer and often spoke about how he wanted to stop music after Kurt's death. I listen to older songs, like My Hero, Monkey Wrench, and the contrast between the fun videos and thoughtful lyrics resonated with me. My Hero is a firm favourite of mine, and I've got to hear it twice live, a dream come true for me.
The first time was this absolutely magical moment, in a muddy field in Leeds, England, darkness had just begun to descend, rain began to trickle down and the first bars of My Hero started to play. Everyone was singing back to the band, or in my case trying to sing. I'm not ashamed to say I cried. but I am going to blame the copious amounts of cider I had drunk that day! Over the years, certain songs, like My Hero, which makes me think of my dad, Learn to Fly, Disenchanted Lullaby, The Last Song, All my Life, The pretender, Skin and Bones, February Stars, Walk and Happily Ever After are songs that have helped me through difficult times. Linkin Park
When I look back to when Hybrid Theory was released, 20 years ago when I was just 15, I listen to the album and realize how much this album shaped me. I think looking back, I always felt like an outsider to most of my peer's, from the books I read, the music I listened to and I did have those end of the world kind of thoughts. Hybrid Theory was the first album on a whole where I kind of went, damn, this is exactly how I feel about my life.
I instantly fell in love with Chester and his voice. I wanted tattoos like him. I wanted to get pierced like him. I thought that the lyrics had been written for me and me alone, and I clung to that like a life buoy. If someone as insanely talented as him could write and sing lyrics as dark as the thoughts in my head, then maybe I wasn't all that bad. Meteora was another soul wrenching album, Numb a firm favourite and Somewhere I Belong close behind it. Just like the Foo's, I was extremely lucky to get to see Linkin Park play in Manchester in 2003, I think. It was one of the last EU gigs Chester played before his death, and I feel so blessed to have seen them all together. Chester's death hit me like a punch to the gut. It floored me and I cried for like two hours straight. Then I played Linkin Park on repeat to remind myself of the music, the strength it gave me and those memories I would never forget. I remember someone said to me why are you crying for someone you never met and didn't know, and to that I said, I may not have met him, but I knew him, for anyone who listens to the words that he sang has to know him. Paramore
Paramore was a band I fell in love with long after they released Riot! We used to have a rock music channel and Misery Business was played to death. Over the years, especially after being bullied, I went back, more as an older teen and I finally learned to appreciate the music.
I'm lucky to have a music buddy, who lets me drag her to most of the bands I want to see. Paramore is one of those bands we go to nearly every time they play the UK. She told me once, the song Misguided Ghost's from the Brand New Eyes album reminds her of me. While later albums are more pop than alternative, the songs still have thought provoking lyrics, like Fake Happy or 26, from After Laughter, an album that the band released after a bad period in Hayley's life and the album reflects that. My all-time favourite song from Paramore is Let The Flames Begin and I have the opening line tattooed on my arm. it simply reads: What a shame we all became, such fragile broken things. I loved how the band continued on from Let The Flames Begin with Part II on the Self-titled album and the songs starts with; What a shame we all remain, such fragile broken things. 30 Seconds to Mars
Any band that included an emo Jared Leto was gonna be fine by me, especially after I saw The Kill Video for the first time. I mean, if you don't find Jared Leto attractive by his voice alone, then listen to his cover of Lady Gaga's Bad Romance- Swoon!
A Beautiful Lie album was how I would describe my early twenties, I was lying to everyone about who I was, what I was thinking and it felt ironic to think of it like that. This is one of my all-time fave albums, because it was before politics and that got in the way. I've been wanting to get the lyrics tattooed on me since I heard the song but haven't for some reason.
I did, however, get a lyric from another 30STM song, one that I would refer to as the song that speaks for my recovery, and reminds me of what I have overcome; To find yourself just look inside the wreckage of your past.
Bring Me the Horizon
Another band that I had to learn to appreciate, it wasn't until the release of Sempiternal and I relapsed with my depression about six years ago, that I found myself connecting with the songs on the album. The opening song, Can You Feel My Heart, sucked me in from the first riff, but it was the haunting lyrics in the break in the heavy that made me listen a little closer.
To put into context, I was having daily panic attacks and very suicidal thoughts. It was one of those times where I couldn't find the words and then I heard the lyrics and it was like yes...this is what I feel. Hospital for Souls and Sleepwalking are also some of my favourite songs from that album.
When the band released That's the Spirit, I wasn't sure what to expect but this was another exceptional album that kind of mocked their trauma a little with Happy Song, and how people tell you if you just decide to be happy, you will be and that listening to all that "Depressing" music is doing you more harm than good. Avalanche is a song that anyone with anxiety or depression can relate to, that overwhelming sense of defeat when you succumb to it.
I lost a lot of so called friends because of my diagnosis so True Friends and Drown helped me deal with that aspect of my illness. Doomed is a song that I adore from that album. Bring me the Horizon continued to evolve with their sound, when AMO was released it surprised everyone but Medicine, Why you gotta kick me when I'm down? and I don't know what to say stand out songs on the album. In Music to listen to et al, I love the unique songs featuring Halsey and Yonaka (a band I've even got Mel listening to.) A new album is currently being teased, with BMTH returning to the sounds from Sempiternal with Parasite Eve and Obey, Ft YungBlud...another exceptional artist to check out. NF
This is going to seem like an unusual add to the list, but NF is actually one of my favourite artist's. I first heard his song Mansion, on a teen tv show and loved it, then, my tattoo artist shared some songs with me and I was a fan.
NF, real name Nate Feurstein, is an artist who speaks about his own experiences with depression, anxiety, the loss of a parent through drugs. his lyrics are thought provoking, soul wretching and carry with them a maturity you don't get from a lot of artist's his age. Mansion, both the album and it's single, refer to the mind as a home with many rooms, some that people keep closed in other to not deal with issues. The lyric, my mind is a home I'm trapped in and it's lonely inside this mansion, for me sums up what it is like to be crippled with negative thoughts and feeling like there isn't another soul alive who feels like you do.
NF's albums are in a rare category for me that his albums don't have a song you would skip. He can go from Eminem esque skilled raps on Outcast to the immensely melodic Trauma. he blends the two aspects of himself so perfectly, sometimes you don't expect him to be able to sing like that. NF is a highly underrated talent that I wished more people listened to, especially anyone who has struggled with negative thoughts.
Stand out songs to listen to: Mansion, Paralyzed, Therapy Session, Let you Down, Wake up Trauma, Leave me Alone, My Stress, Hate Myself....I mean, just listen to all the albums and tell me what you think cause I could be listing songs for days! Other songs of note
If you've stuck with me until now, thank you!
I have some songs that have also been part of my mental health journey, that I have listed below: Matchbox 20 - Unwell- This is one of my all-time favourite songs, and helped me come to terms with my diagnosis because the lyrics were poignant - I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell. This was what I wanted to shout at the people who abandoned me during my illness. I might have only been fully diagnosed six years ago, but I was living with the trauma long before that. What was quirky then, was now stigmatized because it was official.
You Me at Six -Underdog -This one is mine and one of my bestest friends songs,;our anthem. I even have the lyrics tattooed on me, alongside a Carebear with a scythe, that says Down, Down, but definitely not out, and that's kinda my mantra. I may be down but I'm not out.
Other songs of note: Stay with me, Bite my tongue and Room to Breathe
All Time Low- Therapy- I absolutely love this song because while it addresses anxiety, then it shows how people living with anxiety or depression may fool you with a smile.
Music is such an important part of my life, and my writing process. The songs in my book playlists reflect the feelings and situations that the characters find themselves in. They are as important to me as the words I type on paper.
There is this quote I have that says, “Some days I need the music and some days I need the lyrics”. And that about sums it up. Music can help you survive when you need it the most. It can make you smile with a memory and cry with a single melody. My soul on days when the world is just a little bit too dark, or a little bit too lonely. Thank you all for taking the time to read my little piece today, and if you have any experiences where music helped you through a difficult time, then please let me know in the comments. I’ve included a link to My Mental Health Playlist, which is a little dark like me, in case anyone wants to have a listen.
Melanie here just jumping in to say a HUGE thank you to Susan for this beautiful article that I know will resonate with so many people out there. I know the Musers will appreciate it too!
The nightmare before Christmas is a cult classic, it’s also a two holidays movie in one. The first time I heard about this movie I was skeptical, not going to lie, but after hearing Tim Burton was the man behind it, I decided to give it a try. And boy was I glad that I did!
If you’re like me you can watch holiday-themed movies year round, but if you’re in the other group, that’s OK to0, because like I said with this movie you can either watch at Halloween or Christmas. So you have double the opportunity!
This story starts off with our hero, and movie icon Jack Skellington, Pumpkin King of Halloween Town. He seems to become bored with the same old thing and wonders if there’s something more. I think we can all relate to that at some point of our lives. He ends up wandering into a forest, where he notices a few other holiday marked trees like Easter, Thanksgiving, Valentine’s, and of course Christmas. Going into the Christmas marked tree he’s shocked and confused, wondering what all is this?
The other major character is Sally. You can tell from the beginning, that she’s very into Jack but like most guys he’s totally oblivious at first. What would any movie be without a little drama to mix things up - and we get this when we find out that the man that Sally works for, is of course trying to take over Halloween Town! With jack preoccupied he finds the perfect opportunity and ..... oops no spoilers!
Now, I could keep going on an on about this movie but I’ll stop there, because if you haven't seen it yet I don’t want to ruin it. Trust me though when I say if you haven’t seen this movie, you need to check it out. I mean like now! ....... What are you waiting for? .......... Halloween?
** Disclosure**
Any Links To Buy / Subscribe to Amazon Programs On Amazon in this article areAmazon Affiliate Links (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases which in turns helps support all the Muser giveaways we do!) Jennifer Rhodes Cleere met Melanie back when True Blood was popular and they have been friends ever since. She loves TV (especially things that make you smile), Doctor Who, Finding new shows, and regularly provides awesome fandom items for Muser Giveaways. This is her second guest article for Melanie's Muses nd we hope there are many more to come! And Now Your Chance To Win A Nightmare Before Christmas Prize Pack!
Melanie's Muses will be giving away a Nightmare Before Christmas Prize pack with a jewelry set sent in by Jennifer Rhodes Cleere to go with her article, A Tumber and Lanyard sent in by Shannon Watts, Stickers by Vicky Pond, and random things from the Melanie's Muses Prize Collection! For your chance to win- leave a comment ON THIS POST ON THE WEBSITE (comments left on shares around other social media WILL NOT COUNT) - Telling us if you like The Nightmare Before Christmas! The winner will be picked randomly from qualifying comments. Winner will be announced during the Live show on October 18th (and then posted here on the blog as well on the 19th). Full Rules Below! Good luck everyone! Rules
About Susan
Susan Harris is a writer from Cork, Ireland and when she’s not torturing her readers with heart-wrenching plot twists or killer cliffhangers, she’s probably getting some new book related ink, binging her latest TV or music obsession, or with her nose in a book. Welcome to the Spotlight Lounge! Thanks for coming to chat with us today and let’s start with what your favorite drink would be to have while we chat. A -Probably a nice cup of tea in one of my various mugs. Musers hail from all around the globe – so where do you live and do you draw your inspiration from there? A- Most musers know that I’m from a small little place called Ireland and I definitely use a lot of that in my series, especially Cork where I’m from. So with the release of Arsonist's Lullaby you really have quite the collection of books going on now! From a dystopian standalone, to YA Vampires, a magical Shakespeare reimagining, and of course The Ever Chace Chronicles. So how do you decide what you want to write? A- Usually I write what Melanie tells me to write lol. But most of my ideas come from the characters that start talking to me in my head. They start telling me their stories and we somehow work out how to tell it. Believe me that every character is quite vocal about having their own voice heard. Ha! Well far be it from me to dissuade you from listening to me although let's be honest I think I spend more time helping flesh out the ideas you already have. So with that in mind - Do you have any favorite books, movies, or TV shows that have inspired you? A- I’ve always said that The Ever Chace Chronicles stemmed from an idea of me watching Criminal Minds and asking what would Hotch be like as a werewolf and Derek started talking to me. I was always fascinated by Norse Mythology so being able to explore that aspect with my own twist was an added bonus. Hmmm yes Derek, see if you always listened to me he would definitely not be doing so much talking lol. So obviously Derek is not my favorite character, but do you have a favorite within your Ever Chace Chroncles? If so who is it – and are they based on anyone in the real world? A - All of the characters in the EC Chronicles have a special place in my heart. I don’t know if I really have a favorite, but Ricky is always fun to write. He’s grown the most, I think, since the books began and he’s always one for the sarcasm and banter. Yes Ricky is a lot of fun, of course my favorite has to be Melanie .... but I might be a little biased lol. Right changing the subject a little - Are you a planner or a pantster? (I read this somewhere and had to steal it! Basically do you plan where your books are heading or do you write and see where the story takes you? A- I’m a bit of both and depends on the book. With the Ever Chace Chronicles, I planned the books and even the ending from day one. Others, come to me as I’m writing or as the characters throw me a curveball and change things up as I write. I will admit to spending more time planning playlists than the actual book though! And those playlists are awesome! (You can follow Susan Harris on Spotify to see them and probably find some music to fall in love with!). Now you have put out a LOT of titles in various genres. What for you would you say is the hardest part of writing a book? A-Self-doubt. I’m always struggling with trying to make sure that the previous book was not a fluke. I also hate the middle part of books, because I’m eager to see what happens at the end.But the hardest part of writing a book is waiting for Melanie to read it and give me her seal of approval. Lol HA! Well I am certainly not going to apologize for that - especially as several of them have to take time outs in the metaphorical freezer! So where do you get all your ideas? I mean as a reader you definitely have some amazingly original takes on things! A- Music is a passion of mine and I often find inspiration for scenes, characters, book titles from some of my fave songs. I also like finding character pictures on Pinterest that stand out to me as possible characters. Well we know that your vision and my vision of your characters varies a lot so let's change the subject before we rehash a very familiar debate lol! If you could give younger you one piece of advice what would it be? A - Don’t be too hard on yourself. Be you. Your anxiety does not define you nor will it stop you.And don’t think about it, just get the feckin’ tattoo! That sounds like good advice! Greg and Em would definitely agree with you about the tattoo! Are you reading any books right now? A - I’m just finishing The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins. I didn’t want to like it because I’m Team Katniss all the way, but it was interesting. Don't you hate that when a book makes you like it anyway lol. So what about TV Shows? Do you have any that are your #MustWatch at the moment? A - Lockdown has seen us run out of shows to watch but I binged all season of Ray Donovan and loved it. We also watched Young Wallander, The new Cormen Strike series. I need to finish up the last three episodes of The 100, one of my fave shows and then mentally prepare myself to say goodbye to Supernatural. Ugh I don't think any of us are mentally prepared to say goodbye to Supernatural. How about movies? What’s the last movie you watched and how would you rate it? A- The last movies I watched were The Old Guard- which I bloody loved - I’d give it 4 stars, simply because I wanted more and The Outpost, which was also great- I’m a big fan of military shows and movies, The Hurt Locker is one of my fave movies. I’d also give the Outpost a 4 I'll agree with you on The Old Guard! That was great! Musers if you haven't seen it you can check it out on Netflix! The military ones I will just pass on lol. Susan thank you so much for chatting today! Before you leave please let the Musers know where they can stalk you - just in case there are actually people that don't know! Facebook – – Twitter - Instagram – Amazon – Goodreads – Website - BookBub - Let us know what you think of Susan's answers below and I'm sure she will be happy to jump in and answer any questions you wish I had asked! And Be Sure To Check Out The Release Day Post And Giveaway HERE! |