Melanie's Muses
For today’s Win It Wednesday we bring to you something a little different. The story of the Muser Poop Emoji – and of course a giveaway to go with it! As mentioned in the previous “Emoji giveaway” – the poop emoji was apparently originally designed as “Ice Cream”. Let’s be honest here – everyone thinks it’s a poop emoji, a cute little poop emoji, but poop nevertheless. When Facebook started acting all rubbish we would say it was being “Ice Cream” …. And it sort of grew from there. Back when we used to have Trivia every week we wanted an old fashioned “booby prize” type option. We had 3 envelopes that the winner could “gamble” for, and the booby prize was a Poop Emoji Sticker mainly because I had a couple of sheets laying around and we thought it would be funny! (There is actually a set of them IN the prize pack!) Little did we know what we had started. Musers started collecting the Poop Emoji stickers as a sort of Muser claim to fame! It was like the elusive “Blankety Blank Check Book And Pen” (which probably means nothing to Americans – click here to learn more lol). And it just sort of grew and morphed into a Muser thing! At Christmas we adopted a rainbow singing poop emoji at Christmas (Sir Patrick Poopsalot – you can see him in action at the video below), Greg made some Muser Exclusive Pencils (One in the prize pack), and now it is just something every Muser comes to know and love! From stickers, to pencils, candy, and now a Mug – The Muser Poop Emoji Love is here to stay! (That and Pineapples lol) And that is the Muser Poop Emoji Story ..... so far! GIVEAWAY DETAILS & HOW TO ENTER!
Melanie's Muses will be giving away an "Poop Emoji Prize Pack" featuring A Rainbow Poop Emoji Mug (with lid), Poop Emoji Key Chain, & Sucker, A Crazy Face Emoji Bag, Rainbow Poop Emoji Stickers & A Melanie's Muses Cookie (Sent in by Dennifer), An Exclusive Rainbow Poop Emoji Pencil (customized by Greg - as seen in the video above), And some of the original Poop Emoji Prize Stickers (Sent in by Jennifer Bollnow). For your chance to win- leave a comment ON THIS POST ON THE WEBSITE (comments left on shares around other social media WILL NOT COUNT) - Letting us know how long you have been a Muser! Were you around when the Poop Emoji Thing Started - or are you newer? Everyone is welcome! The winner will be picked randomly from qualifying comments. Other comments about the article are very welcome but only entrants with the qualifying comments will go in the hat! What your answer is will not influence whether you go into the hat - Only that you answer the question! Winner will be announced during the Live show on April 18th (and then posted here on the blog as well on April 19th Full Rules Below! Good luck everyone! Rules