Melanie's Muses
Win It Wednesday - The Blues Brothers - A Double Feature by Dave Christy & Jennifer Rhodes4/20/2021 Dave-
"Blues Brothers". Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi. Top comedians of the time and a sure-fire winning combination. James Brown, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, Carrie Fisher and John Candy also appear. And an eagle-eyed viewer may spot Paul Reubens (aka Pee Wee Herman). Upon Jake's release from prison, he and Elwood visit their old orphanage and learn they need $5000 or else it’s getting sold.
A vision during church leads them to believe they need to get the band back together as a mission from God to raise the money to save the orphanage. What else can I possibly say about this movie? It’s a comedy. It’s a musical. With the all the car chases, and explosions, sometimes it feels like an action movie. It’s pure chaos and it’s a classic that is not to be missed!
Dave Christy loves horror, music, documentaries and more. He is also the co-runner of several fan based groups including Morningstars (THE Lucifer fan group also run by Melanie), and now is a member of the VIPers Spotlight Lounge team for Melanie's Muses. Other than "In The Spotlight" Features -check out his "31 Days Of Halloween Movies"
Jenn -
You may not have heard of this sequel, but in my opinion it’s way better than the first. That movie is "Blues Brothers 2000". I’m not saying I haven’t seen the first one, of course I have. Who hasn’t? I just prefer the sequel.
This movie starts off will Elwood Blues getting out of prison and finding out that his beloved brother and band partner has died. Not knowing what to do, he starts singing at a club owned by a former band member. That’s how he comes to meet Mighty Mack and Buster, who in this movie is my favorite character!
Melanie note - No gif here because I could NOT find one for Blues Brothers 2000 no matter WHAT I searched - so you get a picture instead lol
Now nothing is easy for the Blues gang and just like in the first movie they break the law and have a trail of cops and mercenaries after them. Heading to Louisiana and the battle of the bands is their goal. Do they make it? Do they win the battle of the bands? Well, I could tell you but if you haven’t seen this brilliant, underrated sequel then you really should check it out for yourself!
Jennifer Rhodes met Melanie back when True Blood was popular and they have been friends ever since. She loves TV (especially things that make you smile), Doctor Who, Finding new shows, and regularly provides awesome fandom items for Muser Giveaways. Jennifer is now a proud member of the VIPers - the Melanie's Muses Spotlight Feature Team!
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Melanie's Muses will be giving away a "Blues Brothers" Prize Pack containing the Blues Brothers Double Feature DVD, Stickers, and Emoji From Dennifer and Earrings and a Scrunchie from the Melanie's Muses Prize Hoard! For your chance to win- leave a comment ON THIS POST ON THE WEBSITE (comments left on shares around other social media WILL NOT COUNT) - Have you seen one, both, or neither of these movies? (If you have which one was your favorite?) The winner will be picked randomly from qualifying comments. Other comments about the article are very welcome but only entrants with the qualifying comments will go in the hat! What your answer is will not influence whether you go into the hat - Only that you answer the question! Winner will be announced during the Live show on May 2nd (and then posted here on the blog as well on May 3rd Full Rules Below! Good luck everyone! Rules