Melanie's Muses
Jenn - Jennifer Rhodes met Melanie back when True Blood was popular and they have been friends ever since. She loves TV (especially things that make you smile), Doctor Who, Finding new shows, and regularly provides awesome fandom items for Muser Giveaways. Jennifer is now a proud member of the VIPers - the Melanie's Muses Spotlight Feature Team!
Give me an older movie over a new one any day, and I’m not talking those old ones by just a few years but classics like this next movie I want to talk about, and that’s "Overboard". Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell are absolute gold in this movie. My only complaint is when it ended it left me wanting more. Now that doesn’t mean I hated the ending, I just wanted more. But I guess the writers did it like that on purpose.
Anyways, this movie is about a rich heiress who thinks the world and everyone in it revolve around her. Joanna hires Dean to build her a closet in her yacht, but not liking how it’s done she refuses to pay him. She ends up falling off her yacht in the middle of the ocean, losing her memory in the process. Her husband goes to the hospital but decides he doesn’t want to be around her anymore so takes off leaving her there. Dean sees what’s going on in the local news and decides to get his revenge for what happened and the money she owes him.
Now if you haven’t seen this before, you might be thinking "what a jerk". But honestly even if craziness ensues, it all works out in the end. This romantic comedy classic is not to be missed and it definitely will be one to rewatch over and over again. Now, in 2018 there was a remake, yes, I saw and no I didn’t like it. This is one of those times that I wish they just would have left well enough alone.
Code Word For This Article Is - Overboard
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Any Links To Buy On Amazon Is My Amazon Affiliate Link.(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases - Which helps provide for the giveaways! And Now For The Giveaway!
Melanie's Muses will be giving away an "Overboard"" Prize Pack featuring the original and the remake DVDs sent in by Jennifer Rhodes
For your chance to win- FILL OUT THE FORM and tell us: Do you have a favorite movie remake? (Or is there one you would like to see made?)
Comments about the article are encouraged - but for now only qualifying entries on the form will go in the hat! What your answer is will not influence whether you go into the hat - Only that you answer the question! Winner will be announced during the Live show on January 9th(and then posted here on the blog as well on January 10th if the winner isn't at the live.) Full Rules Below! Good luck everyone! Rules