Melanie's Muses
Jenn -We all know those Disney heroes and princesses but today I want to talk about those villains we all love to hate, or sometimes just plain hate. What if you were made to understand them and who they are. Would it change your view on them or how you feel? Well, some movies are making me ask that very question. Like "Maleficent", or the recent "Cruella" that just came out. Everyone has an origin story from heroes to princesses, and yes even villains. The question becomes "how did they become that way?" What made them, as we like to say, so evil? Well now movies are exploring answers to those questions. For example, with "Cruella", I just recently saw it and it was wonderful I might add. So, what made Cruella de Vil want to make a fur Dalmatian coat? Well without giving to much away, let’s just say it all starts with the parents and goes from there. Also, we learn how she met Jasper and Horace and how her name came to be. Now there’s a lot more twists and turns in this movie that I won’t mention, because trust me you really should check it out for yourself. Now, back to that question from earlier, I can’t really tell how you’d feel, but me personally, do I like what she tried to do? No, no and no again, just being clear on that. But I do understand her and how she came to be the way she is. But that doesn’t mean I suddenly like Cruella. I just understand her more. Like everyone she has a story that should be told. Jennifer Rhodes met Melanie back when True Blood was popular and they have been friends ever since. She loves TV (especially things that make you smile), Doctor Who, Finding new shows, and regularly provides awesome fandom items for Muser Giveaways. Jennifer is now a proud member of the VIPers - the Melanie's Muses Spotlight Feature Team! The Code Word For This Article Is Villain All Links To Buy / Subscribe to Amazon Programs On Amazon in this article are Amazon Affiliate Links (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases which in turns helps support all the Muser giveaways we do!) GIVEAWAY DETAILS & HOW TO ENTER!
Melanie's Muses will be giving away a "Villains" Prize Pack featuring the The 101 Dalmatians DVD, Cruella coloring book, and Villains Lanyard sent in by Jennifer Rhodes, Earrings sent in by Vicky Pond, and stickers and swag from the Melanie's Muses Prize Hoard!! For your chance to win- leave a comment ON THIS POST ON THE WEBSITE (comments left on shares around other social media WILL NOT COUNT) - Who is your favorite Disney Villain? (Remember Marvel is part of Disney now ........) The winner will be picked randomly from qualifying comments. Other comments about the article are very welcome but only entrants with the qualifying comments will go in the hat! What your answer is will not influence whether you go into the hat - Only that you answer the question! Winner will be announced during the Live show on August 15th (and then posted here on the blog as well on August 16th Full Rules Below! Good luck everyone! Rules