Melanie's Muses
Jenn - Jennifer Rhodes met Melanie back when True Blood was popular and they have been friends ever since. She loves TV (especially things that make you smile), Doctor Who, Finding new shows, and regularly provides awesome fandom items for Muser Giveaways. Jennifer is now a proud member of the VIPers - the Melanie's Muses Spotlight Feature Team!
Halloween, right? What a fun time of year. Well to me it’s the best time of year. Candy, costumes and all those different creatures. I mean there’s all kinds. But now I want to talk about vampires and "Twilight", yes THAT "Twilight". Some of you may be groaning but that’s ok because I happen to like these movies. Though the first and last one is my favorites, and I happen to have never actually read the books. These movies, you either hate or love. There’s really no in between for them. Trust me, because I did go through a phase where I absolutely hated them but then they just kind of found a way back into my heart. Now one of the reasons these movies get a lot of hate is because sparkling vampires. I mean-- what the hell? And then they turn into crystal when they die.
Ok, I mean, I get why some people just say no thanks, but for me it works. I like different and these vampires are definitely that. Our story starts when Isabella Swan, or just Bella, moves to a town called Forks to live with her dad. Starting school in the middle of the year can be hard, but Bella takes it very well, making new friends and meeting Edward Cullen. Yes, Team Edward and only because I’m not a huge werewolf fan, though Jacob is alright, and he’s a good friend to Bella. Bella is smart, and soon realizes that Edward and the Cullen’s are vampires which doesn’t stop her from falling for him, which happens pretty fast. But whatever girl, you do you. I’m sure you’ve seen these five movies by now, but if you haven’t then I highly suggest you at least give the first one a chance. I mean you never know it might just surprise you.
Susan says: I had to just comment that the best thing about the the Twilight series was the soundtrack! You had not one but two Paramore songs and Muse!!! Melanie -
Oh I have lots of thoughts on the Twilight Saga, but I will try and keep this kinda succinct. Back when the Twilight books came out Emily's friends wanted to read them, and their parents thought they were too "grown up". Em was about 10 I think at the time, but being the good parent that I am I decided I would read them and obviously they were fine. I was actually NOT a fan of the books although I can totally respect Stephanie Meyers world building skills. I am a sucker for rules and she never deviates from hers. That being said I found reading them rough - especially New Moon - but I did want to where the story went.
Then you have the movies - and for me this is one of those rare instances that I think the movies are better than the books. Although you get more insight into some of my favorites (Alice and Jasper) in the book, the movies for me are the way to go. I know people hate on Kristen Stewart, but if you do read the books she really is pretty much the perfect Bella. Bella is annoying as all get out too!
For me, the first movie is the best. It has a different director that then others, it has a particular blue hue that was used (I learned later), and for me it just works. I was as surprised as everyone else that I enjoyed the movie as much as I did and I can tell you if you get the DVD and listen to it with the commentary on - Robert Pattinson is hilarious! He has no issue poking fun at the movie that made his name. By far though the more popular movie in this house is Breaking Dawn part 2 - Mainly for the epic fight scene and the major deviation from the books! Please no spoilers in the notes for those that might not have read / watched but might want to now. As Susan jumped in to mention, the soundtrack, especially for the first movie is epic. Even if you never watch the movie I would suggest hitting up the soundtrack. I personally can't even hear Muse's Supermassive Black Hole without wanting to rewatch the baseball scene (which I included in the videos below) and which segues nicely into me saying I also LOVED Midnight Sun - which is the more recently released Twilight Book with the first story from Edward's perspective. Whilst I didn't like the original writing, the darker, more reflective side in this worked for me - and you get a whole new perspective on the Baseball scene. Check out my thoughts on Midnight Sun (full of spoilers), the Baseball Scene, and the Original Twilight Trailer below and then scroll down to enter the giveaway!
The Code Word For This Article Is Alice
All Links To Buy / Subscribe to Amazon Programs On Amazon in this article are Amazon Affiliate Links(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases which in turns helps support all the Muser giveaways we do!) And Now For The Giveaway
Melanie's Muses will be giving away a "Twilight" Prize Pack featuring ALL 5 Twilight Movies on DVD, and a replica of Bella's ring sent in by Jenn, plus a Twilight Rubber Bracelet and various Vampire Themed Book Swag pieces from the Melanie's Muses Prize Hoard!! For your chance to win- FILL OUT THE FORM and tell us: Are You Team Vampire or Team Werewolf? (Or for TwiHards - Team Edward Or Jacob (or in my case Alice and Jasper lol)
Comment about the article are very welcome IF we can get it to work - but for now only qualifying entries on the form will go in the hat! What your answer is will not influence whether you go into the hat - Only that you answer the question!
Winner will be announced during the Live show on November 7th (and then posted here on the blog as well on November 8th if the winner isn't at the live.) Full Rules Below! Good luck everyone! Rules