Melanie's Muses
Melanie Says -
Oh True Blood .... Where to start! This was really my first foray into the world of being an Influenster. I picked up a random DVD at Blockbuster that was the pilot for a new vampire show that would go on to be one of HBO's biggest successes. I didn't realize until I started watching that this was based on a book series that I already enjoyed - The Southern Vampire Mysteries (AKA The Sookie Stackhouse Novels).
I was hooked immediately. It became an obsession that went far beyond my normal vamp preferences but little did I know how big this would become. Whilst the first season follows the first book fairly closely, as the seasons progress the two become completely unique entities, and in my opinion should be treated as such, with comparisons being pretty futile. By the end of Season 1 I was a member of several forums, (including the Facebook one where I met Jenn), I watched and rewatched looking for clues and hidden meanings, and by Season 4 I was blogging up recaps and theories for each and every episode (complete with a LOT of snark). I watched the extended HBO app versions and noted all the details - I joined the Klout (an influencer program voted on by other fans) and soon became one of the top 20 True Blood reps which rewarded me with things like signed comic books - and I irritated showrunners and writers with my obsessive thoughts when the later shows stopped having so many layers ..... I was actually asked to STOP looking for meanings that weren't there...... which only made me do it more! Even now True Blood holds a special place in my heart. I rewatch the first seasons often, I reread the first 8 books (it would need a whole other post to talk about what happened with them), and I smile. Without True Blood, Melanie's Muses as you know it may never have existed. I may never have met one of my best friends, and the path for so many other Vampire shows may not have been paved.
This show will forever live in my heart, no matter if I didn’t like the final two seasons of it. That show is "True Blood". I found this show by chance one day because I looked up vampire shows, which I was big into in those days. Don’t get me wrong I still love a good vampire/paranormal show but I love other stuff now as well. This show takes place in Bon Temps, Louisiana where humans have just learned that yes, vampires do indeed exist thanks to a synthetic blood drink called Tru Blood. During our first scene we meet Sookie Stackhouse, and Bill Compton and from there that’s when craziness ensues.
Not only do we have these two characters but there’s a array of others as well that just make you go WOW, like Eric, Sam, Pam, Tara, Jason, Jessica and Alcide who you meet in later seasons. Well Jessica you meet at the end of season one but no spoilers here, because maybe some haven’t seen this show. Oh, and we can’t forget Lafayette, or "La La" as dubbed by the Trubies, who along with Eric are my two favorite characters. Nelsan Ellis played La La and boy did he play him well. Rest In Peace my man. You’re missed. Nelsan passed in 2017 of heart failure at the age of 39. We also have Terry, Arlene, Andy and Hoyt. I could go on with character after character but I’ll just stop there.
This show centers around Sookie and the mystery surrounding her. "Why is everyone so obsessed with her?" as Pam would always say. Well maybe not exactly in those words. Want to find out? Well, this show has been around awhile, so if you’re into vampires, weres and everything in between then I definitely recommend you give this show a try. Also, it’s how Mel’s and me met. So, it definitely can’t be all that bad now, can it?
September 2008. The world at large was introduced to small Southern town of Bon Temps, Louisiana. Some readers were already familiar with the town and the inhabitants from the book series. But I don't read much. This show changed that. Well, a little bit anyway.
I was actually introduced to this series from magazine ads. The initial ads just showed a pair of fangs and blood dripping. I love a good vampire movie, or show in this case. So, I was ready to check it out. I knew nothing else about it but I ready for the ride. One thing that is a little different is that this is set in a world where vampires are "out of the coffin". The world knows of their existence. As you may have guessed, that doesn't sit well with everybody. Some still have their prejudices, even though vamps can live on the synthetic invention Tru Blood and no longer need to kill to survive.
Alan Ball, who previous created "Six Feet Under" for HBO handled the project and did a fantastic job of casting and melding the town. Even managing to keep readers on their toes with little change ups and decoys. The first of which came at the end of Season 1 with a cliff-hanger. Finding a dead body in a car and all we see is the foot hanging out of the door as it opens. From the time it aired in November 2008 until the Season 2 premiere in June 2009, all the readers thought they had it figured out. They read the books. They knew whose foot it was. Until it was changed. The big reveal fooled a lot of people and relieved a whole lot more that have been listened to the readers during that 7-month gap.
As I said, I wasn't much of a reader so my introduction came from the series. I started reading the books half way through season 2. I was too eager to see what happened next! The books have numerous changes. For starters, the books are told exclusively from Sookie's perspective. None of the other side stories from the series are in here. The only time we even see the side characters-- Jason, Tara, Lafayette, etc is when Sookie interacts with them. Whenever a book, or book series is adapted for tv or movies, we have to expect changes. OK, I get that. But I expected certain things. Big mistake on my part. As I am reading the books, I am imagining it happening. I can't wait to see these things happen on screen! Then a curve ball here, a curve ball there. Then somewhere along the way, the series takes a giant left turn far away from everything that happened in the book, creating its own storyline and I don’t get to see all those things I imagined. Even in season 3 & 4, it seems like only small nuggets of the book are represented.
What started out so great, really started to fall apart by Season 5 with the departure of Alan Ball. Season 6 fell even further with new creative direction before finally putting a stake into its heart for Season 7, which in my opinion was dreadful to sit through. I thought it dragged out too far and I sat through it to see how it ended and nearly put a stake in my own heart to stop the suffering.
The Code Word For This Article Is Fangtasia
The eBook (Book 1 - Dead Until Dark) is on sale right now for just $2.99! Buy the Season 1 DVD or watch all seasons free with your HBO Max Subscription!
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And Now For The Giveaway
Melanie's Muses will be giving away a "Vampire" Prize Pack featuring the first two Sookie Stackhouse books sent in by Dennifer, Choker and Bat Stickers sent in by Vicky Pond, and a thrown back True Blood Season 3 Blockbuster Postcard and Susan Harris Signed Swag from the Melanie's Muses Prize Hoard!! For your chance to win- leave a comment ON THIS POST ON THE WEBSITE (comments left on shares around other social media WILL NOT COUNT) - What Type Of Paranormal Creature Would You Want To Be If You Could Choose .... And Why? The winner will be picked randomly from qualifying comments. Other comments about the article are very welcome but only entrants with the qualifying comments will go in the hat! What your answer is will not influence whether you go into the hat - Only that you answer the question! Winner will be announced during the Live show on August 22nd (and then posted here on the blog as well on August 23rd Full Rules Below! Good luck everyone! Rules