Melanie's Muses
Welcome to our Win It Wednesday Feature! This week it's all about "The Craft" old and new. Jennifer is up first with her feelings on the first movie, then I, (Melanie), will be sharing my thoughts on the new Legacy installment. Don't forget to read all the way down to find out details on how to enter the giveaway to win the awesome Craft Prize Pack!
Jenn -
Be careful what you wish for, because what you wish for might not be what you truly want! Always good advice and that’s what our main character Sarah finds out, and yes of course I’m talking about the movie The Craft.
Now I have to give a shout out to Mels because she’s the one who turned me onto this movie, and boy is it a gem! It shows you it’s never too late to realize you made a mistake. Our heroine moves to a new home and going to a catholic school, where she meets three other girls who end up being witches. What starts as innocent wicca, spells with good intentions, and harm to none - soon turns towards practicing black magic and definitely embracing the idea of personal gain. At first Sarah is having a blast, she has friends, and everything seems to be going well, but all too soon begins to realize that what these girls are doing is wrong! Sarah tries to leave the group, and let's just say that doesn’t end up to well. Now I’ll leave you at that because I definitely don’t want this spoiled for you. Like Mels once told if you haven’t seen this movie, I highly suggest that you check it out!
Jennifer Rhodes Cleere met Melanie back when True Blood was popular and they have been friends ever since. She loves TV (especially things that make you smile), Doctor Who, Finding new shows, and regularly provides awesome fandom items for Muser Giveaways. Jennifer is now a proud member of the VIPers - the Melanie's Muses Spotlight Feature Team!
Melanie -
Thanks Jenn! I'm pretty sure my words were a lot stronger than "I highly suggest you check it out" but hey, your way sounds so much nicer!
OK - The Craft: Legacy! Whenever you hear that they are doing something with a movie you love it can be rather scary and to be honest probably about 90% of the reboots, remakes, continuations etc are absolute rubbish, and my first reaction is normally something like ........
That being said, I do believe you should check out material before you judge, and so I went into this with an open a mind as possible, and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised!
This new version definitely feels like is skews younger than the original. Despite the girls being the same age, the new incarnation has a much younger feel, and is probably more how teenagers who just discovered they had powers would act. I do give the movie huge kudos for embracing a progressive cast, without making it feel like politics are being thrown at you. They have a trans actress as one of the four stars, and honestly she is amazing. There are only a couple of references to her being trans in the movie, and it is so subtle that Greg actually hit google to see if it was true. Where this movie could have become preachy, it actually feels more about women supporting women (well I guess girls supporting girls but you get the idea).
Whilst I am sure that it will never achieve the same cult status as its predecessor, this one is still worth a watch. The plot is a little predictable despite changing drastically from the original, but if you are going into this looking for an intellectual viewing experience, you are probably in the wrong place to start with.
I would give it a cute 8/10. There are some nice nods, and a tie in to the original that is shown in the trailers, (don't get hung up on this though - it's SUCH a small part of the tale). A modern take which actually uses the correct magical terms (despite them always shifting the corners), with perhaps a little more "Disney Feel" to it all - sometimes Happy Ever After is OK!
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Melanie's Muses will be giving away a "Craft" Prize Pack featuring The Craft DVD sent in by Jennifer Rhodes Cleere, My Witchy Shit notebook sent in by Shannon Watts, a Defy the Stars Pen and Postcard from Susan Harris,Bracelet that says “Where There’s a Will There’s A Way” , Spiders and snake tattoo Stickers, and Candle set with mini sage smudge (in the bag) From Melanie's Muses Collection! For your chance to win- leave a comment ON THIS POST ON THE WEBSITE (comments left on shares around other social media WILL NOT COUNT) - Telling Us If You Believe In Magic(Feel free to share any personal experiences - this is a judgment free zone) The winner will be picked randomly from qualifying comments. Winner will be announced during the Live show on November 15th (and then posted here on the blog as well on the 16th). Full Rules Below! Good luck everyone! Rules