Melanie's Muses
Dave says-
Cute. Cuddly. And just a wee bit murderous. "Gremlins" has a distinct place in cinematic history. For those of us around when this gem flashed upon the silver screen, we remember the press and somewhat controversy surrounding the violent images contained herein. This is the movie that invented the PG-13 rating, along with "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom". Both originally had a PG rating until complaints came flying in. Not many movies have the honor of inventing a new rating because someone saw Gizmo and Steven Spielberg’s name, assuming this would be another "E.T." (just a reminder to never "assume", you know what that does) and thought it would be appropriate for a 4 year old child. Did they watch the trailer? Have they heard it described as a comedy-horror? What about that sounds good for a 4 year old? We don't actually see Stripe in trailer but we hear that wicked laugh. But then again, I've seen people take young kids into "Nightmare on Elm Street" movies. So, what do I know? Moving right along.
For all its success and high box office numbers, it failed to be #1 in its opening weekend. But that’s ok, it came in at #2, only $1.1 million behind another classic, "Ghostbusters". Come to think of it, I think that’s why I didn't end up seeing "Gremlins" in theaters. I was seeing "Ghostbusters". Everyone knows the story of the Gremlins so there is absolutely no need to go deep into the plot. Well, maybe a little. Dad looks for an unusual Christmas gift for his son and gets him a new pet. Every pet has rules. This one has three of them with deadly consequences if they aren't followed. And of course, they aren't. So, we see the results of not following rules.
With all highly successful films, a sequel was inevitable. This one is no exception except it had a considerably lighter tone to it than the original. Even though the original was darker and more horrific aspects, this one I would consider more of a straight forward comedy. I had difficulty placing them side by side on shelf in the video store I worked. Even calling it "light horror" would be one hell of a stretch, in my opinion. "Gremlins 2: The New Batch" has another dubious distinction from most films. One completely different scene for theaters vs home release. For the theatrical audience, looking like the film was destroyed by gremlins, the film strip appears to melt and be taken off. With shadows of the evil gremlins showing on screen and the movie theater usher going down the aisle to get none other than WWF wrestler Hulk Hogan to threaten them to return to the regular feature. For video release, it was switched to old John Wayne footage and him getting the gremlins to stop taking over your tv. When I saw it on VHS, I didn't think I'd ever see the Hulk Hogan footage again. It was nowhere on the VHS release. But luckily now we have DVDs and Blu rays with bonus features where it’s included as a deleted/alternate scene.
Much like a lot of 80's icons and franchises, this one is also in talks for 3rd chapter in the series. Haven't heard that much about it but I think the current commercial that is airing could be a sign of something big in the making.
Dave Christy loves horror, music, documentaries and more. He is also the co-runner of several fan based groups including Morningstars (THE Lucifer fan group also run by Melanie), and now is a member of the VIPers Spotlight Lounge team for Melanie's Muses. Other than "In The Spotlight" Features -check out his "31 Days Of Halloween Movies"
Susan Harris is a writer from Cork, Ireland and when she’s not torturing her readers with heart-wrenching plot twists or killer cliffhangers, she’s probably getting some new book related ink, binging her latest TV or music obsession, or with her nose in a book. She is a proud founding Member of the Muser VIPers and is responsible for Melanie not breaking the Website on an almost daily basis!You can check out all her books on Amazon HERE
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And Now For The Giveaway!
Melanie's Muses will be giving away a "Gremlins" Prize Pack featuring a tote bag, dvd, and pin sent in by Dennifer, For your chance to win- leave a comment ON THIS POST ON THE WEBSITE (comments left on shares around other social media WILL NOT COUNT) - Would you want a Mogwai? The winner will be picked randomly from qualifying comments. Other comments about the article are very welcome but only entrants with the qualifying comments will go in the hat! What your answer is will not influence whether you go into the hat - Only that you answer the question! Winner will be announced during the Live show on August 29th (and then posted here on the blog as well on August 30th Full Rules Below! Good luck everyone! Rules