Melanie's Muses
This was originally publishing on NerdGirlOfficial.Com in 2015! Sadly not much has changed and my opinions remain the same!
As the picture so eloquently points out, opinions are coming. These are my opinions and the great thing about having a blog is I get to post them and you get to choose 1. If you want to bother reading them or not and 2. If you agree with them or not. Isn’t the internet great!
Let me start by explaining that first and foremost I am a reader! I may wear other hats from time to time (Blogger – obviously, Reviewer, Promoter, Fangirl) but for me it really is all about the books. I LOVE books! I love to read, I have piles of books everywhere, and despite ALL the books I already have I WANT MORE!!!
I will admit I was late to embrace the whole eBook concept, I mean how could it possibly be the same? Well the answer was it isn’t. It was different but still special in its own way! Suddenly I had IMMEDIATE access to a whole library of books in AN INSTANT! Not only that but you could read samples of the books FOR FREE!!! Then something even MORE AMAZING happened. Authors started offering WHOLE BOOKS FOR FREE!!!
Which brings me to the title of this blog with readers punishing the authors for doing this. I have been seeing things happening for a while now but lately it seems to be everywhere and so it is time for me to ask….. Why are readers doing this? Now the sensible ones of you out there are probably wondering what on Earth I am talking about. How could ANY reader have a problem with getting a FREE book. I mean worst case scenario you don’t like it so you don’t read it. The end. Or if you are a firm believer that everything you read should get a review then maybe you leave the author a review saying you weren’t a fan. Fair enough! We aren’t all going to like the same thing. But wait ….. there are some people out there that seem to think this whole act of giving away book 1 in a series is an act of trickery. An evil marketing ploy to get you to …. wait for it…… BUY THE AUTHOR’S WORK.
Shocking Right? WRONG!!!!! Seriously people this is their JOB!!! You LOVE the words they wrote and they let you share FOR FREE and your reaction is to accuse them of trickery for trying to get PAID for their job? Yes I have had many moments when I get to a cliffhanger and the book ends where I look like Loki below. And I may or may not have been known to stalk and harass an author to write faster (in the nicest possible way) … but what I am seeing is people writing awful things on Amazon (which are just plain hurtful) but then to make matters worse they give them 1 or 2 star ratings which actually HURTS THEIR SALES! Why would you do that? Would you go to a restaurant and taste a sample, love it, then expect the meal to be free? OF COURSE NOT! You understand that the chef needs to get paid. Here the author is basically GIVING you a free appetizer and then you are moaning about how good it was and that you now have to pay for the entree!!!!
Let me tell you something you may not have thought about when you posted that evil slur on what was in fact a perfectly brilliant marketing strategy. That “Free” book you downloaded. It wasn’t free for the author. Hours of work have gone in to most of these books and that is JUST the start! Many of these authors then pay for copy editors, proofreaders, cover designers, etc. That Facebook release party you went to? That wasn’t free! That bookbub add you one clicked this morning? Again not free!! Authors LOSE money because at the end of the day what they want is for YOU the reader to LOVE what they write. Fall in love with the words on the pages and YES BUY THE NEXT BOOK IN THE SERIES. That cliffhanger at the end that has left you wanting more ….. THEY HAVE DONE THEIR JOB!!! YOU WANT MORE!!!! Oh wait you don’t want to have to pay for it? Well then you have a problem because… That’s not how this works!! That’s not how ANY of this works!!
So the next time you want to moan about having to PAY about the same as a cup of coffee for an author’s work that you already enjoyed. Just do me a favor ….. and keep it to yourself!
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